Reminiscence of Yesteryear
- I got my very own passport this year. After much struggling in the immigration office *duh* finally I could get hands upon it. So yay!
- I travelled abroad for the first time. And Bangkok how I miss thou. Swear to God I’m gonna visit that place one more time. Phuket? Not so much.
- I had lots and lotsa fun with my office mates these days, I counted those as blessings.
- I travelled to Sulawesi for the first time in my life. And yeaaah, I miss those people, the lovely lake, the crazy demonstration, the cute guys, inspiring friends, and so on and so forth. The project? Not so much.
- At last I stepped my foot on Jogja, the city of antics, and met up with one of my oldies friend. A blast from the past indeed.
- I got my own laptop. THAT is surely a blessing. Thank you dearly for my beloved cousin. And add to that joy, I got internet modem along with it.
- I changed my phone! Hahahahaha, what a big accomplishment especially if you knew what my old phone looked like, with that cute head-ribbon on its head.
- I get to see live dolphin in the middle of the freakin sea. That was such an enjoyable day. And to know more about some of the old pals from college. Interesting.
- I eventually started the wisdom-teeth-extraction project this year, and next year I’m gonna follow my brondong’s move, which is to put braces with my own money.
- Been a witness to a soccer-craze in my town, which is a rare occasion (aside from World Cup). it got a nice atmosphere about it.
- My bro finally finished his school. Thank The Lord, I tawt he never gonna manage that.
- My mom got hospitalized this year, but who if not Our-Dearly-Above that did the “come and rescue” act. So yeah, truly blessed with it.
- Mmm, does getting promoted count?
- Already planning to go to the next destination next year. Yay!
My milestone so far.. not so much eh? =D But nevertheless, I think this year is not so bad comparing to last year. Let’s wish for a better year next year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, guys!