How to Cross the Road in Margonda

Somebody should publish this kind of booklet long before I even got enrolled in University of Indonesia. Duh!

1. If there's eventually a traffic light for passerby, please DO pay attention. It's not there for decoration purpose (only). I once got scolded for crossing the street when it's still a no-go on the traffic light. The thing is, I was so touched by the fact that he even noticed the traffic light (when many people don't). Since then, if possible, I'll wait for it to go-green before crossing the street.

2. Never run, you idiot! Not only you scared other people who's crossing the street with you, you'd also scare the car and motorbike's driver. Not to mention you may slip and fall, and God knows what could be happening next.

3. Motorbike is always winning. Plus they have this weird reflex to accelerate the speed or suddenly forgetting the brake function whenever they saw someone who's about to cross the street. Yes, I know, it sucks. But we need to move on.

4. Try to look at the driver in their eyes. Sometimes they're giving you the signal to moving on like smiling (rite!) and hand-gesture. Plus, it's always a bonus if they're cute.

5. Take your time. If the street is not crowded but the car speed is dangerously high, give it up. Or leave it to the kind police officer who would stand by in the morning to help people crossing the street.

6. Use your physics ability to calculate the acceleration, momentum and collision (i.e. tumbukan lenting sempurna, etc) if the vehicle in the second lane is faster/slower than the one in the first lane AND you crossed it anyway.

7. Wear nice clothes. Hahaha. No, seriously, I did this a couple of times. If you're wearing high heels or dress up to formal occasion, people tend to give you the damn turn to cross the street. Dunno why. *shrug*

8. Walk with confident and smile. Just think of it as a runway show. Hahahaha. You know, since the driver does not want any spill of blood or bone fracture smeared their vehicle (not to mention the headache of insurance claim process), they might as well reduce their speed.


Unknown said…
satu lagi:

8. Walk in a constant speed or have positive acceleration. Sudden deceleration near the end of the crossing will confuse the drivers who are still in motion. They are calculating the impact unlikeliness. Slowing the speed will just mess the calculation and the result can be really bad.
Unknown said…
eh mestine nomor 9 deng xD
indigo wine said…
it applied vice versa.. hahaha.. and I really despise labil driver like that, ngerem ngerem, ngga ngga...
Cynthia said…
4. Try to look at the driver in their eyes. Sometimes they're giving you the signal to moving on like smiling (rite!) and hand-gesture. Plus, it's always a bonus if they're cute.

--> sekalian tulis nomor hape gede2 di kertas, sekalian kalo ada yang cute lambai2in aja tu kertas trus bikin gesture, call me sambil sedikit kedip2.. wkwkwkwkwkwk..
Anonymous said…
ya elah bu, masa baru tau sih ilmu nyebrang :P
kurang satu lagi tuh, yang paling penting:
keluarkan tangan, angkat setinggi bahu (kayak polisi nyuruh berenti gitu). ini jurus yang tingkat kesuksesannya tinggi lo, bahkan dengan motor sekitar 80%. dan JANGAN RAGU

indigo wine said…
gw jarang sih ngangkat tangan... kan saya penyeberang jalan yg sombong, hihihihi.. maunya didahulukan..

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