Girl K (Assasin Girl K)

Gory-galore time!

Yay, I remembered I was super excited when this one came out. A short drama (it's only 3 episodes) about a girl taking revenge from her mother's killing. I have low expectation, as always, so I flipped like a dying fish when I saw the first episode. Flippin' in a good way.

It's a bit Kill-Bill-ish and City Hunter-ish (in terms of the revenge theme) but the way they produced it made you feel like you're watching a big screen movie. Very professional and well-made, this one.

It's about a high school girl (didn't I say so?) who is trained to kill, hence the title. But she kills with purpose. And I like that. She juggles her killing persona with her high school nerdy girl persona. Cute! Plus, I despise any Gothic Murderer who's like to quote on Bible just to make way of his action. Like when he was stabbed, he then quoted, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me." Muke lo jauh!

There was slashing, stabbing, head cutting, nudity, BLOOD... oh my, I'm in heaven.


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