
I like them since I was such a little girl, maybe 7 or 8 just then, moment where I changed my school and moved away to a foreign place where I knew no one and the only friend I got was just the one in my class. So they gave me cards, and I gave them mine, promised each other that we will write as often as possible, let the others know what's going on in one's life.
So I began to collect cards, and letters, and like any other young girls at that time, I started to /hunt/ pretty envelopes and letter kits. I adored those little stickers that you could put in your letter to emphasize your words, and I loved to beautify every package I sent to my friends.
I think that was when I realized my interest in art. Hahaha, at such a young age. Unfortunately, most of the collection since childhood has long gone, those naïve letters and pretty cards, but that's okay, I guess. My feeling about it /is/ the important one.

There was even a time when I actually insisted having my friend to give me physical Christmas card last year and she ended up giving me a Chinese New Year’s card instead. Seriously, at Christmas day, with a note saying, “I know you don’t understand the letters, so this should work.”
Anyway, this week something strange occurred in my life. And it has everything to do with cards and letters. I remembered some of my childhood friends (and well, let’s face it, childhood crush, even though I only remembered their nickname) and wondered that at least one of them must have had a Facebook account. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Facebook now works as an updated people database. Maybe in some countries, if a police want to trace a bad guy, they just look for their Facebook accounts =_=

One of them is the oldest pen-friend of mine. Ha-ha, seriously, that girl is my friend from back then when I was still in Jakarta, at third grade of elementary school, who at my last day gave me her address and promised to write each other. I even have no recollection whatsoever regarding what sort of friendship we had when we were still in school, I just remembered the time when we exchanged those cards and letters. Those scrap papers and tiny stickers. Those cute little profile letter (favorite food, favorite color, favorite drinks, ahahahahaha, so vintageeee). And I remembered the feeling I had at that moment.
But eventually, people grew up. Three years later I lost contact of her since she also moved from Jakarta to Jogja, and sooner or later I started to forget.
Till yesterday, when I saw her name and still not sure whether that was really her. I asked, hoping that I reach the right person and ‘fcourse secretly wishing that she would still remember me. And yes she does. That was sooooo bizarre. We know nothing but the letters (which had already gone anyway) but we remembered every single feeling we had during that period.

Then today, I visited one of UNICEF’s gift shop, and I saw these lovely cards, which reminded my of my past hobby. The price is extensively pricey (i.e. 150.000 IDR for 10 blank cards) but I think it’s okay since they were for the greater good. I intended to buy them someday (when this economic depression of mine ends maybe) and gave to the people I love.
Pasti lo ke kios UNICEF yg di samping Dunkin Donut yaa..