
Showing posts from May, 2005


Nice, one of these days I was actually teach my lil cousins to prepare them for the upcoming final test... When I build question, I expected them to answer it rightly and honest. But it turned out that some of their answers are making me laugh. Karina Q: Mengapa kita harus memaafkan orang lain? A: Karena buktinya seperti itu. dan ngga cuman itu, tiba2 pas gue ngecek hasil jawaban soal2nya Kevin...err... Kevin Q: Apa yang terjadi bila kita tidak menaati orang tua kita? A: Nasib kita sial.


Kalo dari file, sebuah key diubah ke array of byte berukuran [4][4], it works.. But new problem shows up!! Why didn't it accept a file less than 15 bytes??? Udah diutak-utik, pake exception, pake if and else... it still didn't work... Napa ya..? Kalo manggil kelas dari sebuah javaframe itu emang ribet, especially when u did it previously with the damn NetBeans! Bloody hell...


Seharusnya minggu2 ini adalah minggu2 menyenangkan...tapi kenapa ya...gara2 tugas kripto2 kupret, SIA yang belon nyentuh, PPM yang belon nyentuh...aaaargh.... sayang, padahal malam minggu kemaren i had a lot of fun...


This is just a camouflage... Me pretend not to be here... You can't see me... You can't see me... Huuuuu.... ---------------------------- Anyway, that Korean movie named Full House is literally a 'full' house =D Full with laughter, fight, love and tears =D Love it, too bad the scene I longed to see was just only in the last half disc =( >_ AJA AJA FIGHTING!!!!! ps: this is an interesting reading =) click here


What is it? The murderer was finally arrested! Alleluia! Yes, considering it's a full one month of desperation, for crying out loud =( The shocking news was... he's just only a kid, 18 yrs old and from the look he had, he's that kinda 'innocent-type-of-kid' The motive? Pure criminal (somehow I thanked God because of it). The suspect was hanging around Balhut after commited a robbery in FE in the early morning of that day, and he was also JUST got out from the prison only 2 days before, so he was like running out of money. He intended to rob anyone passing by alone (which unfortunately my dear friend did) and BAM... it happened. How? The details? This is what I got from the pre-reconstruction, he met Daliu, he asked for Rp 10.000, Dal said no, and then he asked again, and Dal once again said no, and then he pushed Dal, grabbed his bag, Dal pushed him back and kept his bag with him, then they fought, he put out the knife (which by the way just only a screwdriver, big ...


This is part of the unsent testimonial to sum of my friends for varied reason... Why do I called it unsent? It's because I have no idea where to put it, they don't have any friendster account and 360's testimonial was sucks =D okay, here we go.. DwL DwL... hah? DwL?? Hehehe, Dian yang ini rada nyebelin kalo lagi adu siapa yang paling ngga guna di kelompok gue. Ada juga gue, kalee -.-; Plis de! DwL itu, sejauh yang gue kenal, anaknya lucu sekali, imut2 tapi judes, suka mukul, suka nyubit, anti ditunjuk pake telunjuk (???) trus suka sependapat ama gue, fufufu, senangnyaa.. Kalo diinget-inget, dia anaknya ceplas-ceplos, bahkan suka lebih kacau daripada gue, trus gue suka kalah jutek ama dia, tapi koq gue doang yaa yang dibilangin jutek? Huhuhu... DwL ini baik de, suka ngerjain dokumen dengan rajinnya =D (as if) and bisa bikin puisi xD Yang paling gue inget sekarang tentang dia sih, "Ngga sopan!" ama "Gila, gue kirain gue doang, bo!" Suka sms-an ama Arnold t...


Kemaren baru nonton the Biography of Stalin and Hitler - The Root of Evil, and that show made me wonder.. They're just unlucky child with an unlucky family to be born with, and with a bad past, and BAM, what a history they created.. Not that I'm their fans or anything -.-; Yeah, and the most stunning thing about the show was... the way Stalin made a second death to all of his opponents.. He practically erased them from the history, once and for all... Stalin didn't leave anything memorable after he killed his opponents, all the pictures and photos were banished, and the followers of Stalin just removed all the evidents that his enemies were once alive.. What a sick bastard! Imagine if you're happened to be a member of Stalin's opponents' families and you have no (I repeat, no) trace, not even a single thing, to remind you to them... aga-aga parah..