#1 of Daily Writing

There's this YouTube video I recently saw about a science fiction writing class delivered by a lecturer at BYU. He spoke about a lot of things, about components of a story, promises, progress, payouts, and plots. From many things he said, one line stuck with me. How long do you think an editor can recognize a writing result, whether from a seasoned writer or a new writer? The answer is almost always right away. A reader may be more forgiving because they may tend to keep reading even though it sucks, but an editor usually is not. 

Like many things in life, when you want to be good at something, small progress done consistently is better than big chunks of work intermittently or even ad hoc. Hence, I would like to revisit once again my younger self's dream job, which is to be a writer, which is how this post came to life.

It's been years since I last wrote on this blog. Life has taken its toll on me. Writing is no longer an outlet for me to escape from daily mundane work, nor a secret venue to tell my random inner imagination. I've had enough writing in my line of work; granted, now it has become more speaking than writing. Nevertheless, I almost forgot how it feels to write aimlessly and impulsively. I miss the fiction I used to write in high school and college years, where all the characters come alive in my mind, with no predetermined plot whatsoever. 

Fun fact: based on the lecture video I watched, apparently, I am a 'gardener' type of writer rather than an 'architect' type. I tend to watch and see where my plot grows, see what world opens up, and tidy up things from there. I remember him mentioning that "A gardener writer tends to lose interest once they lay out the whole outline and plot because it would feel like they have finished the story, and it is no longer fun to fill in the details." An architect writer, on the other hand, goes nuts if they don't 'plan and design' the story they're going to make. What an interesting analogy.  

Anyway, back to my Day #1 of writing, this weekend has been productive, relatively. I meant I had a good rest; I can have my me-time, rewatching the series I used to watch in the school era, called 'Charmed". It was a pretty pleasant surprise finding it on Amazon Prime. I recharged my battery like a true introvert. I made an impulsive yet productive purchase, which is a wireless keyboard (because I don't think I can enjoy typing in a medium-sized tablet with an on-screen keyboard), a desk fan (because I missed opening up my balcony door to feel the wind washing up my face, but prefer the coolness), a multiple head electrical outlet (because my rice cooker and electric kettle needs to share their outlet), and other minor stuff.    

For now, I guess this is enough. I had a target of writing 2000 words daily to see if I could widen my vocabulary, but we'll see. Wish me luck. Cheers.                   


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