
Showing posts from October, 2011

Story from far Java

On my last visit to Jogja (seriously this city has something captivating), I happened to visit Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat aaaand Kraton Surakarta in one-day-trip to Solo. Both Kraton is interesting, but Jogja's has something more delicate about it. I dunno, maybe it's just me. Or maybe because by the time I visited Jogja, the city was kind of in hype for the royal wedding, hence the increasing number of activities inside Kraton. The tour guide when I visited Kraton Surakarta was paying more attention to 'soul-searching-inspiration-seeker-meditation' bunch of guys so he neglected my seemingly college kids group. I know, we're less interesting. So at every stop, they sat down and meditated. Seriously. No kidding. Geez. At first, it was interesting, but soon after that I found it so freakin boring waiting for 'em so we browsed the Kraton by ourselves, that's why we missed most of the story-telling from the guide. And maybe that's why I think the...

Girl K (Assasin Girl K)

Gory-galore time! Yay, I remembered I was super excited when this one came out. A short drama (it's only 3 episodes) about a girl taking revenge from her mother's killing. I have low expectation, as always, so I flipped like a dying fish when I saw the first episode. Flippin' in a good way. It's a bit Kill-Bill-ish and City Hunter-ish (in terms of the revenge theme) but the way they produced it made you feel like you're watching a big screen movie. Very professional and well-made, this one. It's about a high school girl (didn't I say so?) who is trained to kill, hence the title. But she kills with purpose. And I like that. She juggles her killing persona with her high school nerdy girl persona. Cute! Plus, I despise any Gothic Murderer who's like to quote on Bible just to make way of his action. Like when he was stabbed, he then quoted, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me."...

Let me just say

... that there are things that were not supposed to be said or done, but yet there are lots of things that were not supposed to be regretted. I always tried not to left my wish list things unattended, err.. I mean.. not accomplished. But these days, I kept forgetting my long-lost-wishes and thrown back to doing mundane things every day every week every friggin year. So here I am, trying to fulfill one of the biggest wish of my life, becoming a writer. ...Eh, ternyata susah ya, bok! Ya menurut lo? Hahaha, okay I'm not a strong-willed person apparently, but the idea kept bugging me over the years. And by the way I do know there are even people that are far more talented that I am, even within my friendship circles. But that's okay, I learned a lot from 'em. And by learning I mean copying their styles x) Speaking of which, this is actually why I wrote this post in the first place. I found glimpses of words in my Ipod, written a couple of months back, and I never.. NE...