Side job

Last week I got a side project, which is to make an offering to someone's spiritual teacher. This offering basically sum up all the good deeds she did during the last couple of years. Kinda cool, huh? One of the considerably good deed she did was this one particular orphanage which she maintained and cared for along with her friends. And I was one of those people that used to visit that orphanage. Those were incredible moments. Making this side project reminded me again of that orphanage. The lil devils and annoying brat, cutie children and really-really adorable one. Aaah, I missed them. The location of that orphanage is amazingly far far away in la la land. So it's been a privilege visiting them with my office mates, actually. Which I don't get to do very often nowadays, given the distance. Anywaaaay... those kids in the orphanage, they tend to consider strangers as someone they should reaaally not to pay attention to. Not to say that they're wrong, since people do co...