
Showing posts from 2005

Unsure state

Sebenernya mulai berpikir hal beginian sejak ada usulan mencantumkan gambar penunjuk jalan sebagai cover depan Buku Angkatan Fasilkom 2002. Penunjuk jalan yang menjadi simbolisme pilihan yang akan diambil selepasnya kita dari bangku kuliah. Apakah bakal ngelanjutin S2, langsung melamar pekerjaan, atau menikah? =P Alhasil, I stumbled upon so many scholarship sites, mulai dari Erasmus Mundus, DAAD, Fulbright - AMINEF, dll... and somehow at one point I thought, "What the hell am I doing?" Oh my God, I'm not sure about my future =( I'm not sure about what kind of job I would like to do. Heck, I'm not even sure what kind of field I would pretty much enjoyed to surf in. Aaaaargh.... what have I done in the last four years in this %$%#$%&% faculty??? Back when I was just a highschool student, I was so damn sure where and what is the next step I'd like to take (ALERT: grammar confuse!!)... entah itu melanjutkan ke SMU mana and universitas mana... But then, after a...

Christmas here I come

Nyooong >_ Happy happy Christmas everybody! May this year will be filled with laughter and joy instead of some crazy assholes bombing everywhere... Wawawawawa... pengen belanja buat Natal.. Since selama 20 tahun gue hidup di dunia ini, ngga pernah ngerasain belanja khusus Christmas (-_-#) jadinya tahun ini ingin berbelanja... What exactly do I look for in this time shopping?? Well, first, gue pengen merasakan jalan2 di area perbelanjaan yang penuh dengan suasana Natal, dekorasi Natal, dan lagu-lagu natal...wawawawawa... Lebih bagus lagi kalo ada saljunya >_ And second, I dunno, I just wanna have fun, I guess =) Berhubung tahun ini (lagi-lagi) ngga bisa balik, sigh, akhirnya saya terpaksa menghibur diri dengan coklat, nastar dan baju baru, wakakakaka... And so this is Christmas... And what have you done? Another year over A new one just begun...

Against all Odds

Lagi pengen ngebakar lagu2 ke VCD, and I'm pretty much confused about what exactly will I put on that one CD.. I'm planning to give it to my beloved cousin =D So far it's up to 170 MB and ... err... after I put those Harry Potter OST (both 3 and 4) and the GIE OST, it's still spare an empty space.. -sigh- The Chronicles of Narnia Fine, fine, lemme just list the bad things about this movie... Some scenes are just too obvious showing that the background is a fake one Special effect is not as good as LOTR or HP --> according to my humble opinion though But, despite the major failures mentioned aboved, I think Narnia is a pretty heart-warming movie, ESPECIALLY if you didn't read the Book at the first place (thank God I didn't). I liked the ending, it somehow filled me up with excitement seeing the four of them being grown up after all these years =D and then it turned out that... Yeah, well, I'm looking forward for the next movie of Narnia, then.

Rapid growth

Duu... baru saja menonton film Indonesia berjudul Lovely Luna, yang sangat murni dipilih berdasarkan tampang pemainnya yakni Herjunot Ali =P Sungguh, that movie was suppose to be called Lovely Desta instead of Luna.. Belakangan gue beli 11 judul film Indonesia, murni gara2 sepupu gue minta dibeliin, dan sayang sekali, saudara-saudara.. sebab film2 yang dia minta semuanya belum terbit =D Ada ngga seh yang jualan film Indonesia bajakan? Ngga ada kan ya?? Duuuh, lagi2 kesasar dan stuck di deviant ... sedang tergila-gila dengan yang namanya heise Anjrit, cara pewarnaan skinnya keren banget... huhuhu... Daaaan... tadi baru saja menonton FF VII - Children Advent (ok, rada basi) tapi graphicnya sangat-sangat-sangat 'parah' as in 'sinting'... giling, they could possibly draw a human skin so damn close to the original one... Too bad the fight scene was always a bit too fast I could just skipped that part away =D

Malam-malam sepi

Ku sendiri di lab lagi... lalalalala, lagi nungguin anak-anak Telematika selese kuliah jam 9 malam >_ Anyway, tadi barusan nonton Behind the Scene of HP4, and you could call me freak but I enjoy the scene where Tom Felton was flirting with that Watson babe =D Gosh, it was really refreshing my day (or.. err, night?) since I could see them both interacted with each other, exactly in one frame =D Gyuuu, seandainya shipper gue menjelma menjadi kenyataan =D Long live Draco-Hermione!!! =D Trus, kemaren ada kejadian rada bego, jadi yaa... ada yang namanya de-javu tapi terbalik yang terjadi pada gue. Perhatikan ini: (btw, semua based on my lousy memory, so don't count on the exactness --> is this even a word??) A: Gue ngga berani ah! Gue: Elaaaah, sms doaaaang??? Udah gue kasih alasan yang bagus juga.. A: Ntar kalo dia ngga bales gimana?? Gue: Ya nasib lu.. A: Tapi, ntar dia mikir macem2 lagi.. Gue: ... Dan bandingkan dengan yang ini: Gue: Tau ngga, sebenernya sekarang ada seseoran...

At last... Harry Potter 4 - My Take

Kemaren berhubung jadwal ngajar saya berkurang drastis dari yang seharusnya 1 1/2 jam jadi hanya 45 menit, timbullah niat nekat ngabur ke PIM 21 (which is exactly my place of tutoring, mind you) untuk menonton my dearest beloved Harry Potter series. It's a bit annoying since I could be considered as the early people who knew that there will be Harry potter 4 coming soon in the theater yet I was kinda the last people to watch it. Hate it! Ugh, damn schedule and money! Anyhoo... Setelah gamang sekitar 2 menit di depan loket, akhirnya saya membeli satu tiket yang sedianya bakal mulai 5 menit lagi dan berlarilah saya dengan paniknya ke dalem theater 2, dan JRENG JRENG... koq sepi ya??? Ternyata jamnya salah -_-# Duuuh... you wouldn't believe it, but I actually shed my tears in the early scene, yang pas Hermione ngebangunin Harry n Ron, and he cover himself up =D I'm so touch >_ It was great show, no annoying screaming children, no bloody spoiler(s), no kissing couple sat mex...


taken from here

Opera, how I adore Thee...

Guys, di kelas sinematografi gue, baru saja diputar live opera di Kanada dengan tema cerita Hunchback of Notre Dame... great setting!! Spectacular dance and music and songs... dan bahasa France yang dipakai... way cool! Aaargh, adegan pembukaannya saja membuat gue merinding... So damn keren!!! I wish someday I'll be able to book a seat on Broadway or anywhere in France... dengan panggung yang sedemikian megah, gedung yang mewah dan pertunjukan yang spektakuler! Mana pemain2nya tadi pada ganteng2 =P walaupun tertutupi kostum dan make up yang fantastis, tapi tetap terlihat aura2 kegantengan =D Elaah... pengen nonton opera!!! >_ Ooookay, recent days I've been crazy in love with Notre Dame de Paris.. God, I even found the mp3 on the internet, and I played it on and on with my WMP. Huee... pengen nonton opera yang benerannya >_ Duuu, lagu yang paling ngga bosen2nya gue dengerin adalah Le Temps des Cathedrales pas yang nyanyi tokoh Gringoire-nya... waaaks, lucu banget >_ Il...


These days I've been thinking (again) about marriage -_-# Have no idea why such idea came up so much often in my mind... pertama-tama kemaren pas nonton Extravaganza, duuh.. Widyawati dan suaminya Sophan Sophian (gini bukan seh nulisnya???) itu sangat sweet... mereka emang manteb banget dari dulu >_ Dan dan.. hari ini di gereja, gue melihat sepasang suami istri saling cipika-cipiki dan berpelukan seusai kebaktian (yang pas bagian salam2annya ituuh) waaaaaw.... gue spontan tersenyum lebar... and omigod, I blushed when getting caught watching them with awe =D Ya ampuuun... *envy mode on* Trusss... sms dari Adji cukup bikin gue ngakak... A: Duuuh, jadi pengen punya cowo neh! Bosen banget tiap hari ngga ada kerjaan =D B: Cowo? Ngapain? Ribet banget! Lo kudu belajar masak, trus nyiapin dana lebih buat bales sms, trus harus behaved.., Dih, mending punya cewe aja de =D Lebih gampang! Wakakaka, emang bokek sih ya kalo punya bokinan (bokinan? -_-#) hihihi, tapi cukup membuat gue berpikir...

Food and Vacation

Despite all the house working things I've been doing this couple of days, I really interested in the so-called-cooking activity =D Meaning that all I did was simply ngupas-ngupas bawang putih dan bawang merah, ngiris-ngiris ampe nangis, dan just stood there watching all my oma' doing their magnificent artwork! Menyenangkan sekali yaa... Humm, my house had turned into temporary resto, mulai dari ngidangin beberapa jenis kue-kue lucu macemnya kue tart coklat, bala-bala (??), brownies kukus, dan the upcoming NASTAR (thank GOD my oma will finally make one), hingga lauk-pauk lucu kaya nasi goreng ala Meksiko (bercampur wortel dan buncis yang yummy!), ayam Coca Cola, ayam bakar, ikan asam manis, bola-bola daging, ayam rica-rica, ikan kuah asem (ni gue ngarang total nama masakannya, but pretty describing actually =P)... hiyaa... Berasa banget puasnya abis cape-cape masak di dapur dan berkotor-kotor ria, pas dihidangkan di meja makan akhirnya disantap dengan lahap oleh semua anggota ke...

Up down the Hill of the So-called Mood

Well, well...Another nu post.. Hypocrite Baru-baru ini baca koran tentang sejarah Kongres Pemuda 1928 yang pada akhirnya melahirkan Sumpah Pemuda yang kita kenal sekarang.. and uhm, I'm a bit jealous. Jaman baheula dulu, semangat nasionalisme pemuda2 Indonesia bener2 bikin ngiri, fyi mereka masih bicara dalam bahasa Belanda dan hanya segelintir yang bisa bicara bahasa Melayu. Up to one moment, ada mahasiswa dari Jawa yang permisi ngomong dalam sidang, dan sebelum ngomong dia minta maaf karena tidak bisa menggunakan bahasanya sendiri.. and then he started to speak in Dutch. Lemme rephrase that... dia minta maaf karena belum bisa menggunakan bahasanya sendiri... Is there still any kind of respect these days? To our nation, language and people? Gue jelas-jelas bukan manusia Indonesia yang fanatik terhadap negaranya, no... honestly, I want to get out from this country as soon as possible... lucunya, denger2 dari pengalaman orang, bangsa Indonesia di negeri orang itu cenderung lebih pun...


GIla, gue baru nonton tuh pelem sinting yang judulnya SAW , and if one of you happened to watch it before, please... spare me the umpatan2 indah >_ Elaaaaaaaaaah, gilaaaa, gue benci banget tuh film, and it's not because it was a sucks one, nooo... it was a good thriller psychotic movie... but the ending... AAARGH!!! I hate it!!! It hurted me when I knew who the bad guy really is, but it hurted me MORE when I know the ending!!! $#@%^!!!! Aslilah, banyak umpatan2 'lucu' keluar dari mulut gue pas abis nonton >_ What the peeps???? Sebenernya sih gue kagum, aslilah gue suka ama pelem yang bikin gue ber-"What the???" ria.. tapi aga2 sucks lhooo kalo tau akhirnya itu.... idiiiih, tinggal sejentik doang!!! Seiprit lagi tamat daaah!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGHH!!!!! SPOILER ALERT! Kutu bebek kurang ajar!!! I should've known better when I took notice on the set... I should've AWARE about that stupid STUPID bald guy.... aaaaargh, pengen nyekek oraaang.... >_ G...


Guys, take my advice... Don't get sick! Omigod, dari jaman kapan gue tu paling ngga bisa nelen obat... tau de ya, kayanya pas jamannya SD sempet bisa, tapi entah mengapa (jieh) sekarang ngga bisa lagi.. Gue mutlak benci obat >_ Kalo ngga sakit2 amat gue ngga mau nelen tuh obat, amit-amit... huhuhu.... Mending gue dikasi puyer (ewww...) ato ngga kapsul biar nelennya gampang, yaelah... gue bahkan ngga bisa nelen Panadol >_ Hueeeks..... Tadi di helpdesk gue dengan suksesnya melakonkan adegan ngancurin tablet menjadi puyer biar bisa diminum (mana niat bgt gue pake bawa2 2 sendok segala)... dan btw... tuh obat yaa.. antibiotik baunya minta ampuuun... uuugh... Hueeeks.....


My first attempt on making this horrible banner is that... uhm, when i'm trying to relocate my mind from that stupid, endless effort, thinking about that silly comment Sylvi had made.... aargh, so bloody ridiculous...erase that line this instant, My! EDITED Baru menonton Sisterhood of The Travelling Pants ... and I don't think that's a lousy movie at all =) In fact, I sort of like it =) If you watched this movie, you'll be served a very nice view of Greece, Mexico and US (duh!), and the plot was quite lite, easy to understand and it's sooo girlish =D Hahahaha... but, that's a nice watch, anyway... Trus trus, kemaren menonton Janji Joni , dan dengan semangatnya meng-assign that one to be my paper in Sinematika subject... and that simply because of that one tiny scene inside the trash-cart (don't exactly knowing the real term anyway), the scene where Nicholas Saputra and Rachel Maryam both nyalain pemantik mereka.... Oh so sweet... Dan tadi pas kelas Sinema a...

Harry Potter

Aaaaah, sedang ingin menonton Harry Potter....!!! ------- EDITED Harry Potter ituu... everything related to it I'd love to discuss, the Book, the Movie, the Character, the Plot, the Poster&Merchandise, and most top of all, the Fanfiction =P Just now, I read a hillarious fic about HP yang judulnya ehm... Customer Service and it cracked me up =D Gila lu, parah amat mah ceritanya... ngakak ngga jelas pas baca, well... although I gotta admit it took a very understanding worshipper (like me ^^) to comprehend the story, huahahaha... Too bad my cinematography class didn't result this movie to be discussed and be assigned as midle-semester project... Aaaargh, malah ada lima pelem yang kudu dipilih untuk dibahas dan tidak smuanya sekeren Harry Potter IV: Goblet of Fire >_ Nooo... Pilihannya itu Bourne Identity, Janji Joni, Big Fish, The Terminal, dan entahlah satu lagi apaan... *sigh* Pengen de liat adegan2 yang ada di buku 4 itu, adegan kecil2nya malah... kedatangan kedua seko...


You know, recently my life had been crossed over with somehow-love-life-romantic-and-stuff. First I saw this pretty couple in Electronic City, where the male was very much looked like one of those Bragi's Brother and the lady was pretty cute, both were examining the DVD player, smiling n laughing with each other and damn it I was staring at them for about 3 minutes, envy and admiring at the same time =D ------------------------------------------------------------ EDITED Second of all, recently I watched the GO Show featuring Memes n Adie MS (did I write it correctly?) 16th anniversary (or so) and their beloved son Kevin (whom I got a crush on when he was like 8th or sumtin =P) celebrated the moment by giving them a surprise cake >_ Kevin looked so damn stunning...hiaaa, is it really that cutie boy I once saw in TV?? He's changed! ANYWAY, the point I want to talk about is... their marriage was somehow looked cool, they've been together for that long and still... I can se...


Gue baru membaca laporan kerja praktek salah seorang senior gue... dan entah bagaimana mood gue going down sepanjang gue membaca tuh laporan. Pengen nangis... Gila, kerjaan KP gue kebanting banget! Dia scope-nya apa dan gue scope-nya apa. Teknologinya bisa bikin bahkan orang awam yang ngga ngerti IT bisa terbengong-bengong kagum, lha gue? Cuma modal MySql n PHP doang. Itu juga ngga jago-jago amat. OK lah kita pake smarty...trus? *sigh* Tidak tidak, jangan bicarakan KP... aargh...apa gue drop juga tuh MaKul? Bisakah gue menyelesaikan laporannya sebelum semester tujuh ini berakhir? Bisakah? Teman-teman seperjuanganku di DKSH.... mari berjuang! Yosh! Anyway, kamar yang gue tempatin ini udah dari jaman kapan dipoles dengan warna biru, ngga dindingnya, ngga lemarinya... jadi gelap >_ *euh, jadi sakit perut* Btw, hehehe... tadi ada kejadian rada-rada... =P Gw: Jadi yaa, Karin... ini kalo ratusan di bawahnya harus sama-sama ratusan juga, ngerti? *sedang menjelaskan penjumlahan bersusun ke ...

Nu Mood

Changing the mood (and the layout) is definitely a refreshing way to cure you from that sick basdat assignment. And as a result, came this nu layout (and an announcement that I officially dropped the subject, Amen!). What a day I've been throught yesterday. I was helping my uncle to build this new book case and while he was memalu dan memaku di mana-mana, dengan suksesnya tangan gue kebaret-baret gara-gara papan rak bukunya rada2 ngga halus jadi banyak serat-serat kayu yang masuk ke kulit T__T Hiyaa... dan akhirnya gue tidur jam setengah satu pagi gara-gara kegiatan pertukangan itu selese jam sepuluh dan gue kudu ngerjain komas n e-commerce -_- Anyway, what a great news I heard this mornin (aside from that rushing quiz by Mr.Rifqi) ^___^ Wooow, Alex... congratulation >__


Guys, marilah kita mengheningkan cipta sejenak... Untuk mensyukuri segala rahmat dan karunia yang telah diberikan oleh seorang penemu sendal jepit... And cursing those bloody pump shoes inventor, not to mention the stiletto and all of those damn high heels... Amen!

Nice Lecture

Banyak kuliah-kuliah aneh yang gue ikutin belakangan ini, mulai dari Sejarah Diplomasi Jepang yang sebenernya agak-agak bikin telinga panas berhubung tuh dosen sinting demen banget maki-maki anak muridnya (you name it, he'd said that already), sampai Pengantar Kajian Sinema yang dosennya ibu-ibu baik hati yang berhasil memikat hati gue dengan tutur katanya yang lemah lembut =P Cinema, also known as film or movie, is the seventh recognized art in this universe, along with the architecture and comic book. It has plenty of material, and the most important is movement. Itu basic kuliahnya sih, trus akhirnya ngebahas angle2 kamera yang dipake, tilting, travelling dan dolly (yang sangat2 mengingatkan gue akan bukunya Icha Rahmanti yang kedua), panning, close shot dan bla bla bla. Really2 interesting, mana dosennya yang anak sastra Perancis itu senantiasa mengait-ngaitkan pelajarannya dengan Perancis (sinematek itu ada di sebelah sononya dari manalah di Perancis) dan selalu bercerita tent...

Mood On Off

Well...kapan itu baru aja ke Gading lagi, aseli cuman buat ngabisin duit ngga jelas n balik2nya gue nyampe di rumah jam SETENGAH DUA BELAS MALEM!!!! Dasar manusia2 sopan!!! "Jieh, baru pagi nih, May...masa dah mau balik aja???" Damn, gue dengan suksesnya bengong depan pagar rumah gue, meratap dalam hati minta dibukain pintu... dan agak-agak menahan diri untuk tidak manjat pagar (berhubung ada bapak2 dan om2 tetangga gue yang sedang duduk2 bercengkrama di depan rumah mereka and not to mention they're staring AT ME!!!) Ugh, what a nite, mana hape gue mati, ngga ada caralah buat ngebangunin sepupu gue selain dengan bertebal muka minta tolong ama tetangga2 gue itu buat nelfon rumah gue (Oh my God, gue maluuuu banget, bayangin...anak gadis pulang jam setengah dua belas naek ojek trus ngga tau nama tetangganya!!! Aslilah gue ber, "Eh, eh..") Ngga lagi-lagi ya, Maaaay???? Trus.... hari ini gue mengikuti tes EPT ulang untuk mengukur kemampuan gue berbahasa Inggris... da...

Monday Morning

Sabtu, 10.00pm... Here I am, in a cold bedroom belongs to my cousin, listened to Kelly Clarkson - The Trouble With Love Is...jadi mellow ngga jelas... Demi menyukseskan gerakan 17.00 - 22.00 milik pemerintah, akhirnya gue bela2in nyalain notebook jam 10 malem lewat 1 menit =P Hihihi, ngga ada kerjaan banget gue seharian, euy, tadinya mau datang wisuda tapi entah mengapa kaki begitu berat melangkah, akhirnya ngendon di rumah sambil maen Pop Cap Games ama nyobain panada home made >_ Belakangan ini mood bertualang gue ke tempat2 baru jadi ilang =( Bener-bener berasa aga-aga capek dan bokek =P jadinya suka menyibukkan diri dengan KPku yang baru saja resmi dimulai...sigh...orang2 KPnya dah pada selese lah gue baru mulai... Tidak kangen sapa-sapa (which is pathetic) jadinya bengong aja gitu seharian ngga ada yang dikerjain... Pengen ngambil kuliah luar bahasa Itali malah kelebihan sks, kutu bebek! Pengen ngambil semester depan aja, eeh...malah jatah kuliah luar ngga cukup... Senin depan p...

Liburan yuks

maya says: syn syn btw adji mau nonton tuh elephantnya the_yellowjacket_02 says: baru gw pinjemin ke gun the_yellowjacket_02 says: suruh dia dateng ke rmh gw aja the_yellowjacket_02 says: btw, rmh gw udah bisa tuk nginep loh he3x the_yellowjacket_02 says: gudangnya udah diberesin the_yellowjacket_02 says: tinggal bli laptop n meja kecil, perfect dah.. the_yellowjacket_02 says: tapi laptopnya baru bisa beli 5 taon lagi the_yellowjacket_02 says: T_______T maya says: hahaha maya says: perlu disumbang ngga? the_yellowjacket_02 says: perlu dong the_yellowjacket_02 says: 10 juta yak maya says: kata adji asalkan 5 taun lagi anjing lo dah ngga ada, dia mau nginep tuh maya says: adji : takutnya gue nginep pas bangun jari gue udah tinggal empat ajah.. maya says: hiyyyy.... the_yellowjacket_02 says: gwahahaha the_yellowjacket_02 says: bilangin adji ya the_yellowjacket_02 says: ANJING GW GA BISA BUKA PINTU!!!!!!!!!! maya says: huahahahahahahahahaha the_yellowjacket_02 says: hufff... maya says: ta...


This world has been worse enuf without some ordinary student started to shoot their classmates... Read this! Gue dah lama nonton pelemnya, tapi semenjak hari ini saya mengubek-ubek internet buat nyari tau insiden Columbine Highscool, maan...that was a great loss...gue ampe merinding, belum lagi kisah2 tentang after the massacre itself yang bikin orang2 masih ngga bisa lupa ama tuh kejadian, which btw dirangkum dalam sebuah film festival yang judulnya Elephant (the only animal who won't forget) Made me think, if the question, "Do you believe in God?" showed up the moment before I got shot...what would be the answer? "You know I do." ~deepThinkingDay...


Jalan-jalan...puncak...perahu karet...maen kartu...karaoke...bokek... It's just one hell of fun! What a hillarious weekend, me went with my classmates of 2002, ke Puncak yg harga busnya gila2an... despite all the financial issue =D (since gue ini bendaharanya) the trip was excellent! Cape banget seharian ketawa n nyanyi2, mana waktu perang aernya gue disirem dengan sopannya ama orang2, trus difitnah *aaargh* pas sharing =P hahaha, tapi seneng... *maksudnya bukan seneng gara2 difitnah* And the top of it, gue ngga ketauan ma om gue kalo gue sabtu-minggu sempet2nya ke puncak =D Huehehehehe, senengnyaa... sayang badan pada sakit n tepar, anak2 banyak yang ngga ke kampus hari ini =( Beeh, sebenernya banyak yang mau ditulis, tapi gara2 udah tidur seharian, ampe lupa dah mau ngomong paan... Kapan-kapan jalan-jalan lagi aah..

Movies, Films and Others

Gie - A glimpse of History Ok, thanks to this movie, I just knew that there was these slaughtered people in Bali during 1966, when there's PKI issue and Kebangkitan Bangsa Indonesia. Hell, this movie was cool, the actor was good and the soundtrack was awesome. I love it. Here's the review... The bad: - editing was totally a mess, blurry dialogues mixed up with the background song, and poor movie editing, imagine... I swore couple of times when I watched it just because I thought the screen went off (hey, it's getting blank for about 3 seconds in a very important scene!) - Adegannya suka loncat-loncat ngga jelas, pas satu scene belon klimaks eh dah ganti adegan... - Were they sure to put xxx as grown up Han??? He didn't even have any similarity to the young Han cast. The good: - Nicholas Saputra acted like a professional, despite the way he walked, everything seemed just fine =) Besides, he actually didn't look that good in this movie, not with that silly walking and...

Weekend is over

Jadi weekend ini... gue sempet nonton acara di Metro yang menurut gue lucu banget, asik berat, man! Judul acaranya tapi gue lupa, hehehe, intinya meliput kisah para pejuang2 tua bulu tangkis Indonesia, mulai dari Susi Susanti sampe Taufik Hidayat, bahkan ada juga ibu2 mantan juara Piala Uber 1, cing! Trus mereka itu diadu dengan musuh bebuyutannya pas lagi jaya2nya =D Kaya Susi Susanti vs Huang Hua, dll... Hehehehe, lucu aja nontonnya, mana seru pula! Bapak2 versus anak muda, hahahaha... keren, asli keren... Btw, kisah KP gue juga semakin ngga jelas kapan mulainya, ya sudahlah, males ngebahas... Hooh, cape deh udah kebiasaan bangun jam 8 pagi, tiba2 harus disentakkan ke dunia nyata yang kudu wajib bangun setengah 6, sh*t!

Harry Potter 6

It came out, and I didn't have the book in my hand yet... me-flat-broke... >_ Anyone? Hope it came out with brilliant plot as always =)

Bday Girl

My bday went well, better than I expected before =) Yeah, there were these two silly girls knocked at my window at 00.00 (not literally, 'fcourse) and called me to open the door and saw if there was any Soluna's car parked in my yard. Ha-ha, what would my neighbours said? Young girls coming around in the middle of the nite and kidnapped seorang gadis baik-baik =P So we went to McD, around 1.00 am and I wore short pants, for God's sake, me with my sleeping clothes >_ It was kinda miracle I didn't catch a flu (or bronchitis for that matter) abis disirem pake aer es batu. Gila, tega bener! Jadilah gue kaya anak ilang di depan pintu rumah abis dianter pulang lagi, mana pintu kaga dibukain segala!! Gue pun manjat dengan suksesnya buat ngetok2 kamar om gue yang ngga banget itu =( Asides from those stories above, I was called by my old friend, my highscool mate actually, and kita ngobrol. Udah lama ngga ngobrol di telfon lagi, so I think I feel awkward at first, tapi ternya...


Ehm... Already down: - War of the worlds (damn it, Tom Cruise was too damn good looking I almost crying out loud since he couldn't made those stressful face, I adores Dakota Fanning and Spielberg for such an awesome effect but I cursed anyone whowrote the script. What the...??) - Raise your voice (another lite movie) - Cellular To go: - Serendipity --> lutuna >_ - John Q --> love it, tears all flowing - Pelangi di atas prahara --> koq biasa aja yah, nonton setengah trus bosen =( trus dimatiin dah... - Eternal sunshine on the spotless mind --> idenya gue suka, dan kemampuan nih pelem bikin gue ngakak patut diacungi jempol =D - What a girl wants - Simone - Thirtheen --> kacau... - Blind Horizon - Legend Of The Fall --> biasaaa... Ah, thank you Api for the concern of this poor lil movie freak =P (yah, sebagian ngembat juga dari cecep =D) Oh liburanku.... Bandung yang gagal... owoowowowowow....


I can't believe it! Major things happened to me today! (Err, or atleast for the last two days..) - GUE yaa.... tiba2 ditunjuk dengan semena-mena jadi bendahara jalan2! Huahahaha, rapatnya aja gue ngga dateng! >_ - Ada saudara YUSRI di shoutbox gue, wakakakaka!!! Despite kebenaran apakah itu beneran Yusri ato just another maniac impostor yang ngaku2 jadi dia, *sigh* I still happy, huahahahaha =D *maniacally grinning* That guy, the one and only, is the man who dared to correct my mistakes in using English bluntly on the phone and succeeded in making me felt teribbly EMBARRASSED =( Damn smart senior... missed him terribly =P *siap2 digantung pacarnya* - Kemaren ade gue yang paling kecil dateng ke Jakarta bareng nyokap. Beda dengan ade gue yang nomer dua, yang begitu dateng bisa langsung cerita2 masa sma dan kuliah, yang paling kecil ini... I dunno, I got the feeling he already forgot me or sumtin, exactly likewise. Ah, tiga tahun emang bisa misahin kedekatan hubungan sodara...apala...


That is so not true, even when I saw your handwriting on those papers, I still couldn't accept the fact that you actually did it. You divorce me, for crying out loud! What made you think I was quite okay with that??? And here you are, asking for some innocence doubt benefits from me ?! You physchotic, maniac, blood-sucker from other dimension, I never knew why I married you in the first place... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jadi berasa lucu kalo ada adegan di atas terjadi di depan mata gue, maybe I'll laugh, dunno, or maybe I'll just went silent and just watch? Oh, sudahlah, just a random thought =( Anyway, kemaren pas bongkar2 lemari buat nyari catatan Alin yang lama, eeh pas ketemu bawaan gue malah nostalgia2 jalam doeloe kala, hiks, saat2 yang menyenangkan, considering gue banyak kegiatan and banyak ngontek2 sana-sini and talking2 to people. Gue bahkan nemu catatan2 kecil yang biasanya dioper-oper di kelas kalo mau 'chatting...

And so we go...

First day of the so-called day off and here I am, typing sumtin in the lab, and feel like sharing my thoughts to everyone that reading the blog... tee-hee! =D Batman Begins, not so bad movie after all, I think that's exactly why the producer's willing to spend billion dollars on that one =) Anyway, I appreciate good quotes and the scenario scripts of those popular movies more, such as, "Why do we fall?" --> "So that we can learn how to pick ourselves up again" thingy... Quite deep... Hell, I need to get to work as fast as I could, I'm dying for deadline -__- (talking about deadline, I'm pretty sure there's one particular deadline named 30 June or sumtin, hiyaa...!!!) And, oh, yesterday I re-watch Harry Potter I and oh my, Hermione was a very cute lil bossy girl... aaargh, so small and bushy and so know-it-all... really love that character =D


This is exactly what happened when you have nothing to do a.k.a bored to death while your friends were doing the exam =) Taking up all quizzes =D So far, the results are: - i'm a fun flirty kisser - my IQ is 100 (is it good or is it bad?) - my inner european is Russian - i should've born under the dog year - my biggest sin is ENVY - i like the sweet and shy guy -___-;; - my jap name is Akako Inokuma - I am devilish kinda girl to be continued.. - i am somewhat honest - people see me as a slow and steady person - i'm an experimenting thinking style - my summer love type is open and free - my music taste is adult alternative (whatever that means) - i am 50% left brained, 50% right brained (yea!) - right now i'm in the decent mood (Some ups, some downs, but overall i'm coming out ahead.) - my EQ is 153 (waw!)

Movie Freak

Kemaren saking bosennya ndak ada kerjaan, akhirnya sayah memaksa Tjepo untuk nomat and got a treat =D And the lucky movie was Mr. n Mrs.Smith. Honestly speaking, this movie didn't actually come up with a great plot whatsoever, it was quite predictable, but the lil scenes and dialogue turned out to be hillarious =D Ooooh, you know how I love the marriage idea without actually wanting one, SO this one gave me another view of marriage =D They're literally killing and shooting against each other =D And those Pitt-Jolie pairing was so damn HOT, ladies and gentleman, kinda wished they're together >_ Yah, overally filmnya lumayan =) Looking forward to Harry Potter IV, Fantastic Four (the trailer was promising =P wakakakaka, I'm one of those trailer freak!), Ungu Violet, and yah..Batman sih (didn't really interested, anyway) Anyone??


In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. --> a/n : Wakakakakakaka.....betul2, jangan biarkan diriku mengira-ngira maksud dan tujuanmu =D Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. --> a/n : Humm, jadi kangen seseorang -___-;; You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it. --> a/n : Gila, kuisnya LUTU bener, tau aja dia gue kesengsem ama ide married but not actually WANTING it, gahgahgah In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. --> a/n : Hebat hebat!!! Man, I'm stunned!! What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

In Hurry

I made myself write this post as soon as possible. I should've learn sumtin about OSK and yet I still eager to tell you what's really goin on inside my head... Guys, lately I found out that I frequently TALKING TO MYSELF!!! That's horrible, even when I walked alone on the way to campus, I would started saying things like, "How do you spell a refrigerator?" and then I would answered (God, I answered my own question, LITERALLY, for the sake of speaking!) by, "I think it's a refrigerator. Why?". "Well, because it sounds a lil British and surely you knew how I love the British sounds, rite?". "Yeah, kinda..." See? And the dialogue would continue on and on till I arrived at Fasilkom. I took it as a mental sign, a vital one! Help!!! I don't want people to start seeing me as if I'm a nuts =(

Tatto and all new thingy

Already boring with my campus life, oh-I-have-nothing-to-do-in-here... so I decided to (again) take a pee at deviantArt... and I soon got excited >_ Speaking of which, once upon a time I remembered I had this weird conversation with my friend about tattoing myself. He didn't really agree with the idea and well... honestly speaking, I'm quite scared of having the idea about it myself.. but I can't help it, tatoo sounds cool.. hehehe.. And if you ask me where should I put the tatoo (if there's any chance), ehem...unlike my pervert friend (mention above) who suggest to put it below the hip at the center of your back (yah, you know lah).. I actually prefer the Sanchai-type =P Between my thumb and my forefinger but not on my palm. (Wadooh, bahasa Inggrisnya punggung tangan apaan sih??) Got the image? Good! Isn't that cool? Wuuoooo >_ And then, I picked some of those tatoo design which I'd love to put it on my hand, here they are... And if I had a chance to put...


Fresh from the oven =) Quite a nice days I had... really fun, despite all the Anaperancis thingy and stuff, despite the CIS demo and so on, intinya sih nice... Huaaa... menjelang ujian, saraf2ku terganggu, KP ku masih ngga jelas mau di mana, KTP ku masih ngga jelas status pengurusannya (antara diurus dengan ngga diurus =P), dan semua kerjaan2ku... uohohohoho... Anyhoo, it's becoming a bit frustating browsing at deviantART whole day, reminds me again that I'm not that good =( Crap! Dan lagipula, tadi pas browsing2 layout interface yang lucu2, gue semakin stres dengan kenyataan gue ... have ... no ... skill ... whatsoever ... vector ... icon ... masking ... Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............... adhitaaaaaaaaaaa..... *sob sob*

GNU PG (pretty good privacy)

Nih public key gue, feel free to send me encrypted message =) -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux) mIsEQp1WywEEAM26JlXzlfDmrzhxDanVWB8tvyjRgatcrr+PUmFt3zQb9xRaIKzp OTaRCv4VKC6xbwlbNtiaNiT0uqbIODdY+DDsI/skhK3F1BqPbZ5eJQiosluqg7wJ rYDHE9sIDUs5WhaDKrdqpIekpxx7Pc5vlUbnL2Jc26qrv82PDOV/N1D/AAYptCxE aWFuIE1heWEgTGlzdHlhICgtbXktKSA8Y2hpY2Fjb29AeWFob28uY29tPoi0BBMB AgAeBQJCnVbLAhsDBgsJCAcDAgMVAgMDFgIBAh4BAheAAAoJEKVvaBl+Kq1jONQE AIqpF09ez5Tjzr8+DXjVTfjHj/AIgEwQvh4HZx12+kZvE9Xhu1CFoDnsSpmGx/fd GCRYRE4iypA9JNV/WyriRiU+/C/+99oWw3s+YeaSrp+H3MlJvzM6PBDGqM2YuK6Q cRbVui3nWTmJzl4CJF5u138y7/NWgaswIx8V2wvRrE9EmIsEQp1GEwEEAMisILLP 1JmK80myjetrZmX1F3L0EWO4RgqcR28pyNE/tbTT8eOAJi0jOaxlQ9ujMZgtsWdE efKK6v5T+wi6he80VmsC9LK0vdyhugsruutoDeZgKNCzh5Y9Jnlabn3d+B51An36 mQWrjVl/Zo5h3DfiaAKGfQFhqjC06aJ3qqgtAAYptCxKb3NlZiAoYXNkb3Mga2Vy ZW4pIDxqb3NlMjBAbWhzLmNzLnVpLmFjLmlkPoi0BBMBAgAeBQJCnUYTAhsDBgsJ CAcDAgMVAgMDFgIBAh4BAheAAAoJEBtOLMWfv8meRLkEAKmb56QOz0YyJ/KNN7+O hbSG3b2zH/qKs9AwZzbwDr...


Nice, one of these days I was actually teach my lil cousins to prepare them for the upcoming final test... When I build question, I expected them to answer it rightly and honest. But it turned out that some of their answers are making me laugh. Karina Q: Mengapa kita harus memaafkan orang lain? A: Karena buktinya seperti itu. dan ngga cuman itu, tiba2 pas gue ngecek hasil jawaban soal2nya Kevin...err... Kevin Q: Apa yang terjadi bila kita tidak menaati orang tua kita? A: Nasib kita sial.


Kalo dari file, sebuah key diubah ke array of byte berukuran [4][4], it works.. But new problem shows up!! Why didn't it accept a file less than 15 bytes??? Udah diutak-utik, pake exception, pake if and else... it still didn't work... Napa ya..? Kalo manggil kelas dari sebuah javaframe itu emang ribet, especially when u did it previously with the damn NetBeans! Bloody hell...


Seharusnya minggu2 ini adalah minggu2 menyenangkan...tapi kenapa ya...gara2 tugas kripto2 kupret, SIA yang belon nyentuh, PPM yang belon nyentuh...aaaargh.... sayang, padahal malam minggu kemaren i had a lot of fun...


This is just a camouflage... Me pretend not to be here... You can't see me... You can't see me... Huuuuu.... ---------------------------- Anyway, that Korean movie named Full House is literally a 'full' house =D Full with laughter, fight, love and tears =D Love it, too bad the scene I longed to see was just only in the last half disc =( >_ AJA AJA FIGHTING!!!!! ps: this is an interesting reading =) click here


What is it? The murderer was finally arrested! Alleluia! Yes, considering it's a full one month of desperation, for crying out loud =( The shocking news was... he's just only a kid, 18 yrs old and from the look he had, he's that kinda 'innocent-type-of-kid' The motive? Pure criminal (somehow I thanked God because of it). The suspect was hanging around Balhut after commited a robbery in FE in the early morning of that day, and he was also JUST got out from the prison only 2 days before, so he was like running out of money. He intended to rob anyone passing by alone (which unfortunately my dear friend did) and BAM... it happened. How? The details? This is what I got from the pre-reconstruction, he met Daliu, he asked for Rp 10.000, Dal said no, and then he asked again, and Dal once again said no, and then he pushed Dal, grabbed his bag, Dal pushed him back and kept his bag with him, then they fought, he put out the knife (which by the way just only a screwdriver, big ...


This is part of the unsent testimonial to sum of my friends for varied reason... Why do I called it unsent? It's because I have no idea where to put it, they don't have any friendster account and 360's testimonial was sucks =D okay, here we go.. DwL DwL... hah? DwL?? Hehehe, Dian yang ini rada nyebelin kalo lagi adu siapa yang paling ngga guna di kelompok gue. Ada juga gue, kalee -.-; Plis de! DwL itu, sejauh yang gue kenal, anaknya lucu sekali, imut2 tapi judes, suka mukul, suka nyubit, anti ditunjuk pake telunjuk (???) trus suka sependapat ama gue, fufufu, senangnyaa.. Kalo diinget-inget, dia anaknya ceplas-ceplos, bahkan suka lebih kacau daripada gue, trus gue suka kalah jutek ama dia, tapi koq gue doang yaa yang dibilangin jutek? Huhuhu... DwL ini baik de, suka ngerjain dokumen dengan rajinnya =D (as if) and bisa bikin puisi xD Yang paling gue inget sekarang tentang dia sih, "Ngga sopan!" ama "Gila, gue kirain gue doang, bo!" Suka sms-an ama Arnold t...


Kemaren baru nonton the Biography of Stalin and Hitler - The Root of Evil, and that show made me wonder.. They're just unlucky child with an unlucky family to be born with, and with a bad past, and BAM, what a history they created.. Not that I'm their fans or anything -.-; Yeah, and the most stunning thing about the show was... the way Stalin made a second death to all of his opponents.. He practically erased them from the history, once and for all... Stalin didn't leave anything memorable after he killed his opponents, all the pictures and photos were banished, and the followers of Stalin just removed all the evidents that his enemies were once alive.. What a sick bastard! Imagine if you're happened to be a member of Stalin's opponents' families and you have no (I repeat, no) trace, not even a single thing, to remind you to them... aga-aga parah..


Yesterday was quite a new experience when I visit my co-company for my assignment at campus... My emotional part practically went up and down that day...from tears to laughters... Huhuhu, that contact person was such a funny guy, until he came up with the question, "Aw, come on, tell me, why there were only the four of you?? Where's the other one??" Then we're just like, "Err.." and grinning uncertain to each other.. Man, that was tough.. I barely could tell the whole story without sobbing so thank God there were Arnold and Dikey.. And he was so damn shock... yeah, no wonder... And the meeting continued, we're discussing about the modelling design and stuff and then he offered us a job... huhuhu... why does this life become such an irony?? I dunno, he was so easy offering us that chance and though I was so happy, but at the same time I also wasn't so delighted =( My friend didn't get a chance to feel the same thing as we did... duuh, padahal dia ...

dance with my father

Back when I was a child Before life removed all the innocence My father would lift me high And dance with my mother and me and then Spin me around till I fell asleep Then up the stairs he would carry me And I knew for sure I was loved If I could get another chance Another walk, another dance with him I'd play a song that would never, ever end How I'd love, love, love to dance with my father again Sometimes I'd listen outside her door And I'd hear her, mama cryin' for him I pray for her even more than me I pray for her even more than me I know I'm prayin' for much too much But could You send back the only man she loved I know You don't do it usually But Lord, she's dyin' to dance with my father again Every night I fall asleep And this is all I ever dream ~miss my old dad... ~how could I never even missed him before this?

calming down

Sorry to everyone I've been put my anger on.. really didn't mean to =) Sorry, guys... (and kalo ga ada yang berasa, jangan sok berasa de =P) Anyway, this mid exam did a great effort to breakdown my nerve =D It's almost 7pm yet I'm still being around this lab... doing nothing but to read the slides.. boring.. ugh..


Hey, napa polisi2 bertindak lambat sekali???? Apa polisi2 di Indonesia emang dari sononya kaya keong yang ngurusin hal2 ngga penting, ato memang they have their own way to solve a criminal problem??? Gue heran, nih udah seminggu n progressnya masih NGGA ADA, plis de Pak... Hasil visum juga kaga dikasi tau, motif juga blon dapet, keterangan saksi juga ngga dicari, yang ada mereka malah heboh kasus Flash Disknya hilanglah, motif cinta segitigalah (di antara kelompok Anaperancis-nya segala lagi!!!), motif dendam karena ngerebut cewe oranglah... HALOOO..... He's not that kinda guy, for God's sake, maybe you could find such cases in FISIP ato di HUKUM, but not in FASILKOM.. you don't even have TIME to consider a murder just because of some love-stuff... Aaargh, gue kirain polisi bakal lebih canggih-an cara berpikirnya daripada gue yang notabene cuma tau ngetik doang (Oh, iya, jadi inget, gue diinterogasi sejam - dua jam padahal waktu bersih tanya jawab cuman sepuluh menit, d...


I'm scared.. truly scared.. Scared of my friends' safety, scared of my own safety... But beyond those things, I missed Daliu a LOT, he just didn't deserve to die like that. Hate the killer, hate the drugs dealer, hate the whole thing including me myself that day... ~ifOnly.. ---------- Indonesia mode: Gue udah over his departure to heaven kemaren ampe hari ini di Anaperancis gue denger kemungkinan baru itu. Kalo dia emang 'itu', apakah mungkin gue dan the rest of my anaperancis group 'begitu' juga? parno parno parno.... jangan biarkan arnold pulang sendirian malem2 dong...

What a waste

A few days ago, I wasted my tears for sumtin SO NOT IMPORTANT and I regretted it A LOT! Sick! Very sick person he is... ~sebal..


Pope died... camerlengo... conclave.. cardinal... Sounds so damn familiar... What next?? Nuclear reactor?? The end of the world??

dear oh dear

When you got married, which bed side will you prefer? ---------------------- or else... hehehe...


Sounds British enuf??? --------------------------- A : What was that? B : What exactly do you mean? A : What in the name of cat was that?? You bloody kissed me!!! B : Yes, I suppose you're right. A : What do you mean you supposed I was right? You bloody kissed me! Explain that! B : Well, it was basically what people -normal people, adult people- do when they're madly in love. A : WHAT!!! Who put that stupid idea into your thick head? I am NOT in love with you, you bloody cow! B : But I heart you... A : But you can not just 'heart' people and then just kissed them like what you did just now.. *duh* B : Oh, come on, don't be unkind... A : I am NOT unkind, I'm stating the fact! B : What's the matter with you? People don't get pregnant from kissing, err...speaking of which... A : WHAT??? B : I can explain.. --------------- yah, aga2 ngga jelas, but i like this piece of scene =) Btw, until now I haven't got a chance to actually calling my mom and ask abo...

belated easter

Selamat Paskah teman-temanku semua... Waks, ternyata kalo load tugas itu harus dikerjakan sekaligus untuk ngejar deadline yang hari Senin, sungguh membuat sakit jiwa. Dan ujung-ujungnya, gue malah lupa bikin dokumen PLBO *sigh* dan SIA *sigh* Argh, maaf Satria and Wawan... Anyway, kemaren namatin Fatal Frame II dengan 2 ending. Ada sih ending yang lebih bagusan, cuman koq buat main lagi dari awal aga-aga bikin eneg gitu ya. Kemaren yang namatin juga bukan gue, tapi Julie yang kebetulan mampir ke tempat Cecep, *sigh* what a tragic ending. I recommend that game to be a movie, it's going to be awesome, not to mention COOL special effect, *sigh* dan ide ceritanya yang sebenernya kutumbaba crabby patty begitu! Fufufufu, tapi saya suka... dasar Village gila dengan ritual gila! Trus trus, namatin Lemony's Snicket (Series of Unfortunate Event) juga =D Huahahaha, Julie memang diberdayakan sekali kemaren, lagian salah siapa ada stage yang bikin emosi, musuhnya ngga abis-abis udah gitu ng...


Napa? Napa kelompok Anaperancis gue emang ditakdirkan untuk senantiasa nyasar kalo abis ketemu client??? T_T Tepar man! Ok, Ok, first thing first.. 1. Bikin laporan anaperancis 2. Kirim daftar email perusahaan ke lusi 3. RISTEK! 4. poci-poci PLBO Ntar senen kudu ngasi kabar ke Siemens, kumpulin tugas Ristek, trus Rabu ketemu DKSH Market Intelligence (jieeh gue), Selasa ato Kamis bikin SIA, CIS kapan ya bikinnya?? Hoaaahm... (m_m) Anyhoo.. belakangan ini kalo ditelusuri sih cukup menyenangkan juga =P Mulai dari kepanikan anggota kelompok Anaperancis gue lantaran ngga dapet2 juga perusahaan yang mau jadi client (padahal kita ngga minta bayaran juga, emang kutu kupret!), dan akhirnya hari ini jadi berasa berlimpah begene proyek-proyeknya -_____-" Aaah, apakah saya akan nge-drop PLBO kalo jadi ngambil proyek itu??? Apakah saya??? (ceritanya nerjemahin paksa dari bahasa inggris, will I take the job? will I?) =D CRABBY PATTY!!!!!! Gue jadi inget, gue belon ngurusin n cari2 info ttg we...


Bedah Kampus UI... A truly terrible headache from my point of view. So crowded and noisy and not to mention it was so HOT in there, phew, what a day. That day was actually my first experience in Bedah Kampus. Mana gue tau kalo emang pengunjungnya sebanyak itu, coba? And one is definitely TIRING, that is! Anak-anak SMU yang nanyain RAME banget, bikin suara saya serak T_T Bahkan ada suatu titik dimana gue udah ngga sanggup ngomong gara2 suara ilang... Untunglah banyak yang bantuin, soalnya anak2 2003 n 2004nya tau2 dateng and langsung dicomot buat presentasi =) Fufufu, kasian, udah gitu banyak yang jadi LO dadakan =P Pulang pergi Fasilkom-Balairung buat nganterin anak-anak SMU yang mau ikutan Open House. Hooah, many thanks to Rado, Alan, TeGe, Oji, Michael, dan segenap manusia-manusia Fasilkom yang dateng kemaren ^^ Most frequently asked question (literally), adalah 1. "Kak, bedanya computer science ama teknik informatika apaan ya?" jb: Ngga ada bedanya, dek (-_-)" 2. ...


Hey, you know what... I've been offered a new kid and until now, I'm still having this stupid-nervous-act about the gender, the nationality, the ADDRESS -__-" and blah blah blah.. Hueks, it's getting annoying sumtimes.. Trus trus trus, it's been a hectic week T_T Tugas SIA2 jaman dulu kala itu ternyata ngga membuat gue belajar dari kesalahan dengan membuatnya di awal2 minggu... Wakakakaka *tawa histeris* Tapi tenang saudara-saudara, seburuk-buruknya yang gue alami, it will never be worse than Julie's and Joe's =P Yeah, that's rite, I succeeded in making them doing what-I-am-suppose-to-do and the deadline is today =D I'm such a blood-sucking-kind-of-friend yesterday =P EDITED Huahahaha, Ok... now you can consider me as a jobless. (Thank God) Hudy's mom released me yesterday due to his uncooperate behaviour =D


Baru beberapa hari gue seneng2 ngga jelas di kampus, hari ini gue udah BELER lagi T_________T Hidung merah, mata sembab, persis gejala orang nangis ditinggal pacar. Benci aku... Napa ya pala gue langsung pusing kalo udah ngeliat yang namanya Adobe Photoshop CS versi Trial dan Freehand MX versi trial (juga) di Ruangan Senat??? Napa gue harus nongkrongin tuh kompi jijiks dengan RAM yang sangat rendah sampe ngga ada angin ngga ada ujan tuh aplikasi Photoshop maen MATI aja seenak jidat TIGA KALI??? Ich habe genug.. bitte... Edited Anyway, lately I found a very typical phenomenon in TV station. Yaitu menggunakan nama ambigu untuk judul sinetron -____-" Let's see.. - Ada Apa Dengan Cinta - Pernikahan Dini - Kisah Kasih di Sekolah - Primadona - Bunga di Tepi Jalan hingga the latest one... Manis dan Sayang . What is it with everyone???? Hullo??? Plis don't tell me that that sinetron called "Ada Apa denganmu" actually told about someone called 'Mu' ???


Hari ini I had a VERY good mood, all day smiling =) Quite rare to my own standard, really, but I don't actually mind =D since it was way TOO good to be happened to me =D Began with him, waving his usual 'hi' and walking on, then my so-called-smiling-day officially got started. From there, everything turned out to be nice. I got my very first textbook (with the colour of maroon, my favourite, thank you), and fyi, this is my VERY first book that I bought with my own sweat-and-tears-money ^_______^ So proud of myself, huahahahaha =D Well, after that I took a very nice and happy lesson called System Analyze and Design, with a totally narcissistic lecturer =D All day laughing, that's me. Not to mention I finished the damn poster =P Kekekeke, don't care even if it got rejected, way too happy since one had been done. 6 more to go!!! *sigh* Honestly, today IS a happy day. I almost forgot that I haven't done all my assignments =( SIA, DAA, Anaperancis... *sob sob* Have a...


Ah, hari ini saya mengingat-ingat banyak kenangan masa lalu =) So sweet, but yet... so frustating T_T First, I took a look at my oldies web page, duuh... dulu gue suka bikin web kecil2 kaya yang ada di web lamanya ajay , aaah... kangen masa2 itu =( Trus buka2 postingan2 lamanya Y's, hehehe... ridiculous banget de gue pas masi muda doeloe.. Trus baru nonton Mengejar Matahari gratisan di senat (ok, ok, gue basi), aaah.. that movie had a great ending. Really deep. Nice. Udah semester 6 nih, but what have I achieved??


Gue turut berdukacita atas meninggalnya temen kita Haryanto 2001, Minggu jam 6.20 pagi kemaren, just because some damn pencopet di kereta mau nyolong n ngedorong dia ampe jatuh dari kereta. Dunno if the story was true or not, but either both, I hate all pencopet di Kereta! Titik! And then, I'd like to say 'go to hell' to all of the pickpockets around the Jakarta's railway. May your soul rest in bloody asylum now and forever, burn to rot, you slimy creatures, hate you so much. Begone! Home My hand hurt like hell =( Abis nyuci2 kursi dan sofa di rumah gue, I practically exhausted and 'tepar' di kamar. Man, I worked for almost 3 hrs nonstop! Anyway, kemaren I got another tip from the hausfrau of my latest student, and I was so happy, yet I spent the money already (again) Giling, gimana mau ngejalanin niat tulus gue mau ngasih gaji pertama gue ke nyokap kalo tiap kali gue dapet duit langsung gue jajanin? Well... jajanin perhaps a lil bit overestimate, i actually spe...


Kemaren di saat-saat gue nyaris botak nungguin ampe sejam anak didik gue kaga dateng2, akhirnya gue membongkar-bongkar koleksi majalah dan buku nyokapnya dia. Nice. Sang nyokap punya buku Bridget Jones Diary yg sekarang lagi dipelemin, and an 'Inspiring Book' or sumtin, similar with the Chicken Soup but in English. Anyway, I read it and got carried away until 6.30pm and that bloody kid still hadn't showed up, aargh.. I think this time I should be fired since the lack of motivation from the child itself =( Then, bla bla bla... before I got home, sang nyokap tiba2 ngasi salam tempel ke gue dengan ucapan, "Buat jajan." Tziing...! Gue bingung, apakah ini pertanda minta maaf karena anaknya bikin gue kelamaan nunggu, atao tanda perpisahan soalnya anaknya emang susah diajak belajar??? I dunno =( Tapi yang penting, duitnya langsung amblas 10 menit kemudian karena gue belanja (oh, setelah sekian lama ngga merasakan aroma kasir =P) Hihihihi, senang dapet duit pertama dari t...


Ah, ada jg ortu sesabar itu yang absolutely manjain anak =| Kemaren saya lagi di tempatnya Hudy and kucuk2 dia ke kompie and buka internet, liat-liat katalog disney, dan.... ta-da!!! Dia ngeprint tuh page... Just-like-that... Printer yang berwarna, koneksi internet, all for only a sixth year old kid... Trus pas dia nelfon, ngambek ngga mau les, eeh... nyokapnya bilang gini, "Ya udah, kamu main aja ama Kak Maya, nanti malem belajar ama mama." Gimana gue ngga jiper dengan anceman dipecat??? Kerjaan gue cuma ngobrol n maen2 ama anaknya... Yada-yada Baru baca komentar orang-orang jenius dari berbagai belahan bumi tentang some test called 'Petal Rose' and it amazed me so much. There are many of them felt insulted by the line 'the smarter you are, the longer time you need to solve it' or sumtin like that =] Huahaha, ego, pride, whatever they called it... it startled me to know that me myself could solve it within a minute, but then I don't get furious or insulte...


First, Selamat Hari Masuk Kuliah I ^^ And then, I just remembered, I got a Mandarin poet about Gong Xi Fa Chai from my cousin's school =] Xin Nian Kuai Le, Ha Zi Men Ke Chang Xin Nian Kuai Le, Xiao Niao Er Tiao Yao Xin Nian Kuai Le, Bai He Hua Kai Kou Gong Xi, Gong Xi, Gong Xi Fa Chai Huahahaha, I'm good at memorizing but so lack in translating those =[ Trus trus, I reuni2 lagi sama kelompok PPL sayah, kekekekeke... jadi malu ^_____^ JERK "Dia juga takut..." "Oh ya? Kenapa?" "Soalnya si X itu kan genit..." Brengsek! That was the first word popped into my head and I started to block out every words after. I guess I just don't want to listen about it any longer, I had enough. Traumatize? You may say so, whatever... Anyway, graduation brought back old memories and I'm not too fond about it. Remind me of my own future WHICH by the way hadn't been settled yet. Oh, shut it! Change topic, please? Gue baru aja ngeliat-liat ingredient dari perme...