Movies, Films and Others

Gie - A glimpse of History

Ok, thanks to this movie, I just knew that there was these slaughtered people in Bali during 1966, when there's PKI issue and Kebangkitan Bangsa Indonesia.
Hell, this movie was cool, the actor was good and the soundtrack was awesome. I love it. Here's the review...

The bad:
- editing was totally a mess, blurry dialogues mixed up with the background song, and poor movie editing, imagine... I swore couple of times when I watched it just because I thought the screen went off (hey, it's getting blank for about 3 seconds in a very important scene!)
- Adegannya suka loncat-loncat ngga jelas, pas satu scene belon klimaks eh dah ganti adegan...
- Were they sure to put xxx as grown up Han??? He didn't even have any similarity to the young Han cast.

The good:
- Nicholas Saputra acted like a professional, despite the way he walked, everything seemed just fine =) Besides, he actually didn't look that good in this movie, not with that silly walking and haircut =P so I guess he concentrated on the play.
- The plot itself was quite good >_< Love the first scene (in the class, something about 'tukang becak', I personally thought that's a good teaser) and the ending was somehow deep. (Damn, I loved all the dialogues, the letters, the poem, and his last words about fate and destiny)
- The soundtrack was HOT, love it, really! Should've looked for those ASAP, anyone?? My fave was the song when the student joined together in one big demonstration =) Huahahaha, and of course, that 'Sampaikanlah pada ibuku...' one.
- This movie made me proud of my university since there's this particular fellow who actually one of the UI student, though he said that UI adalah universitas yang bopeng sebelah (man, how cool is that) tapi gue bangga =D walaupun mungkin juga gue adalah salah satu dari mahasiswa yang termasuk golongan 'bopeng' itu, hehehe, considered that I don't really give a damn about what's going on my country (like Herman said, "politik tai kucing!"), I also just found out that University of Indonesia was actually joined the KAMI force (so what, sue me!)

Hah, one worthed movie, especially since I got a treat =D


Just watched Memento, haven't got a chance til yesterday. Ha-ha, I gotta admit, that movie made me think really hard, trying to remember all the detail and in the end... I barely trust anyone, not even the major character, Leonard Shelby =(

Maan, that movie was a freak. Left so many questions and yet the answers didn't really matter, the most important is he set himself up against something he want himself to believe. What the... How could he?

Gila ya, ngambil keuntungan dari -"See, I have this condition"- thing pada dirinya sendiri. Dasar maniac!


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