
You know, recently my life had been crossed over with somehow-love-life-romantic-and-stuff. First I saw this pretty couple in Electronic City, where the male was very much looked like one of those Bragi's Brother and the lady was pretty cute, both were examining the DVD player, smiling n laughing with each other and damn it I was staring at them for about 3 minutes, envy and admiring at the same time =D



Second of all, recently I watched the GO Show featuring Memes n Adie MS (did I write it correctly?) 16th anniversary (or so) and their beloved son Kevin (whom I got a crush on when he was like 8th or sumtin =P) celebrated the moment by giving them a surprise cake >_< Kevin looked so damn stunning...hiaaa, is it really that cutie boy I once saw in TV?? He's changed! ANYWAY, the point I want to talk about is... their marriage was somehow looked cool, they've been together for that long and still... I can see the LOVE in their eyes >_< I craved for such marriage... Adie MS was not even a romantic-type-of-guy! Aaaargh...

And then... this morning... my friend (Syntia) asked me to come to her brother's marriage which gonna be celebrated in modern Chinese wedding event way... That's it! I'm through with this... not to mention Adji yang pengen punya bayi, Cecep yang udah punya ponakan... maan, people and their love intention...

ps: I've just been tought by Mr Alexander Rusli, someone from Kominfo and he really is a nice guy with widespread knowledge. He's practically talking about sumtin I didn't really pay attention to, the WSIS and the regulation here in Indonesia about going open source (or IGOS for that matter) and... ehm... yeah, what an interesting lecturer...


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