Harry Potter

Aaaaah, sedang ingin menonton Harry Potter....!!!



Harry Potter ituu... everything related to it I'd love to discuss, the Book, the Movie, the Character, the Plot, the Poster&Merchandise, and most top of all, the Fanfiction =P

Just now, I read a hillarious fic about HP yang judulnya ehm... Customer Service and it cracked me up =D

Gila lu, parah amat mah ceritanya... ngakak ngga jelas pas baca, well... although I gotta admit it took a very understanding worshipper (like me ^^) to comprehend the story, huahahaha...

Too bad my cinematography class didn't result this movie to be discussed and be assigned as midle-semester project... Aaaargh, malah ada lima pelem yang kudu dipilih untuk dibahas dan tidak smuanya sekeren Harry Potter IV: Goblet of Fire >_< Nooo... Pilihannya itu Bourne Identity, Janji Joni, Big Fish, The Terminal, dan entahlah satu lagi apaan...


Pengen de liat adegan2 yang ada di buku 4 itu, adegan kecil2nya malah... kedatangan kedua sekolah, adegan Triwizard, Quidditch World Cup, Maze, hint2 yang Harry dapetin pas dia mandi di kamar mandi Prefect =D Adegan dance di Yule Ball, Malfoy n Granger...

Jehh... lama amat seh keluarnya...!!!


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