
I can't believe it! Major things happened to me today! (Err, or atleast for the last two days..)

- GUE yaa.... tiba2 ditunjuk dengan semena-mena jadi bendahara jalan2! Huahahaha, rapatnya aja gue ngga dateng! >_< Bisa-bisanya... Hayo, hayo, BEWARE of me =P

- Ada saudara YUSRI di shoutbox gue, wakakakaka!!! Despite kebenaran apakah itu beneran Yusri ato just another maniac impostor yang ngaku2 jadi dia, *sigh* I still happy, huahahahaha =D *maniacally grinning* That guy, the one and only, is the man who dared to correct my mistakes in using English bluntly on the phone and succeeded in making me felt teribbly EMBARRASSED =( Damn smart senior... missed him terribly =P *siap2 digantung pacarnya*

- Kemaren ade gue yang paling kecil dateng ke Jakarta bareng nyokap. Beda dengan ade gue yang nomer dua, yang begitu dateng bisa langsung cerita2 masa sma dan kuliah, yang paling kecil ini... I dunno, I got the feeling he already forgot me or sumtin, exactly likewise. Ah, tiga tahun emang bisa misahin kedekatan hubungan sodara...apalagi yang beda usia 10 tahun and you're parting with them in the early age...

- Udah nonton If Only and Before Sunrise =) *smiling happily* Yes! Also got Mr. And Ms.Smith (already told in the last post), Batman Begins, Madagascar, yey!


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