GIla, gue baru nonton tuh pelem sinting yang judulnya SAW, and if one of you happened to watch it before, please... spare me the umpatan2 indah >_<

Elaaaaaaaaaah, gilaaaa, gue benci banget tuh film, and it's not because it was a sucks one, nooo... it was a good thriller psychotic movie... but the ending... AAARGH!!! I hate it!!! It hurted me when I knew who the bad guy really is, but it hurted me MORE when I know the ending!!!

Aslilah, banyak umpatan2 'lucu' keluar dari mulut gue pas abis nonton >_<

What the peeps????

Sebenernya sih gue kagum, aslilah gue suka ama pelem yang bikin gue ber-"What the???" ria.. tapi aga2 sucks lhooo kalo tau akhirnya itu.... idiiiih, tinggal sejentik doang!!! Seiprit lagi tamat daaah!!!



Kutu bebek kurang ajar!!! I should've known better when I took notice on the set... I should've AWARE about that stupid STUPID bald guy.... aaaaargh, pengen nyekek oraaang....

Guys, nonton de... dengan hati yang tenang dan pikiran yang jernih... di ruangan gelap sendirian dengan sound system mantab... and it will really really absolutely caught you off guard =D

Recommended for a sick movie lover like me (and tjepo -_-#) and not recommended for you who have a tender loving care mumbo jumbo feeling =P

Oh yeah, ini movie sejenis SE7EN tapi masi mendingan... ngga bikin 'hiee??' alias bengong lemot di akhir cerita =D


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