Dolphin Racing in Kiluan

Okay, that was one awesome experience!

It started with tweet-talks, you know, the kind with no-action-tweet-only conversation? HAHAHAHAHAHA, so I’m pretty impressed with the result. It gathers six different people, from different working hours and different working places and from different crowd, with only one tiny history-relationship.. college mate.

Persiapan traveling paling parah seumur hidup, secara yaa even pas H-1 aja masih ngga jelas siapa jemput siapa di mana naik apa. JRENG JRENG! Paling banter yang udah dibeli adalah tiket bus Jakarta – Lampung seharga IDR 150.000 untuk periode embarkasi *halah* jam 9 malem. Juragan Arab di Lampung sana udah wanti-wanti, kalo jam 9 malem berangkat dari Jakarta, paling jam 5 pagi dah nyampe Lampung, so there’s plenty of time to spend to have (early) breakfast and berangkat ke teluk Kiluan.

Alas, the damn bus got lost in translation (._.) Instead of following the normal route as usual, he decided to sharpen his skill in driving through extreme off-road condition. Bener-bener deh, naik bus lebih heboh gonjang-ganjingnya daripada naik kapal ferry di laut. Well, that’s not entirely his fault tho, berhubung ada longsor di jalur Pantura. But nice, initial schedule in the vacation went to dumpster. We spent like 12 hours on the road, waiting frantically for a particular person to show up (and boy, did he show up in his working suit from yesterday =_=) then hunting for breakfast to a noodle-shop called Son Haji – Sony VI. What’s the deal with that name? The son of Haji Sony or what?

Next, took a bath in one of Juragan Arab’s mistress house, apparently this friend of mine has been engaging in some sort of vacational-husband activity for a while (HAHAHAHAHA, j/k). The house is pretty.. pretty abandoned, I mean. There’s one gigantic spider in the front door, enuff to make girlish gasp from the boys.

Next, we headed to Tour and Travel to pick-up the tour guide (merangkap sopir) to go to Kiluan. Aaannnnnddd, the trip lasted for another 5 hours in the road, you know why? Cause there’s so many ill-mannered-bridge-which-decided-to-break-down-exactly-at-our-arriving-hour. Gahh! What is it with this journey? Was it some sort of sign to not to go to the sea? Gilanya lagi, pas lagi enak2nya nungguin jembatannya kelar dibenerin, ada penduduk nyamperin trus nanya, “Mau ke Kiluan ya? Wisata ya? Hati-hati aja, kemarin ada turis yang meninggal.” WTF???

My friends and I were like, staring with idiotic faces and started to ask (LOTS OF) questions. “Hah? Kenapa Pak?”. “Iya. Yaaah, jangan aneh-aneh aja lah.” “Aneh-aneh gmana?”. “Yaaaah. Tau sendirilah.”

What a helpful guy!

Me, personally, thought he was speaking about mystical and supernatural thing about the sea (you know, we’re still in Indonesia anyway), while the others (I had no idea where the idea came from) thought that he was speaking about pre-marital sex. Errrr. What exactly is the relationship with pre-marital sex and dying in the sea, people?

Yah intinya selain kita dapet teka-teki horor dari si Bapak, kita juga dapet bonus serangan jantung saat melalui jembatan2 konvensional yang ada di Kiluan. Udah jembatannya sempit pas badan mobil, cuman dari dua bonggol kayu pohon, ngga ada pembatas kiri-kanan (nyungsep ya nyungsep aja), ada tikungan2nya, kayu-kayunya bikin bemper mobil rusak, dll dll.. despite all that, AKHIRNYA KITA NYAMPE JUGA DI KILUAN!


You see, somehow I think we got robbed for this trip. The cost is about IDR 170.000 per person, only to have rumah panggung minim listrik (yang cuman dinyalain setelah jam 6 sore dan dimatikan setelah jam 5 pagi), HORROR bathroom, no phone signal, lousy traditional food from local citizen (seriously, I was expecting at least there’s some seafood available) and the dolphin tour is not even included. Cih! Yeah, at least that was my first impression. Very-very expensive. Even Novotel only charged about IDR 900.000 per night.

On the other hand, there’s this distinctive feeling that I was on my KKN (kuliah kerja nyata) duty. Hahahahaha, tinggal di remote area with no bathroom and having simple traditional meal. If only we brought some tents and fire equipment, we could go camping instead.

ANYWAY, since the first day we arrived at 6pm already, there’s nothing we can do (misalnya untuk nyebrang ke Pulau Kelapa, dst dst berhubung itu laut sudah super gelap), so jadilah we went to bed.. err.. rumah panggung earlier than usual and having some midnite talks. As usual, there’s this one particular person that passed out immediately once she saw a pillow. Tsk tsk. You never really get to know your friends until you travel with them, eh? =P

In early morning, we get up at 5am to see the dolphins in the middle of the sea. Yay! Scary thought flashed in my mind berhubung gue ngga bisa berenang dan itu perahu yang dipake, alamakk, kek perahu sampan yang kalo diterjang ombak gampang kebalik. Dan ini tengah laut pula, so nasib ada di tangan Pak Perahu, Laut dan Tuhan. Perjalanan ke tengah lautnya last for like (scary) 30 minutes sampai akhirnya kita nyampe di antara teluk Kiluan dan Gunung Krakatau (+_+) daaaan.. here they comeeee.. hundreds of dolphins swimming around near the boat and jumping here and there. Oh My God, that was like the BEST feeling ever, looking at them swimming under your feet, and following your boat, and ignoring everything, just swimming freely. VERY-VERY COOL!

Yak, seeing the dolphins made me forget the fear of the ocean. Adrenaline rush is gold, man!

The rest of the day kept getting better cause it’s time to go home. We packed in rush after sightseeing in the island. Went back through the same hell of bridges but this time we surrender our live to the driver (baca: molor di jalan). Arrived in Lampung at 4pm, buying dinner and oleh-oleh untuk yang di kampung halaman, then Juragan Arab lend his car to us. So no more lost bus in our way back home. Hahahaha.

The problem is, we have no idea about the road map. So basically it went like this,
M: Ntar lu belok kiri, kanan mentok trus kanan lagi, liat patung gajah kiri, kiri, trus kanan, trus Novotel belok kiri, 100 m belok kanan, dst dst..

A: OKEH, Bos!

M: Kalo ada apa-apa telfon gue ya.



5 menit kemudian..

Gw: “M!!!! Kita nyasar neeeeeeeeeh! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, abis kiri , trus kanan, trus kok keknya kita masuk terminal angkot gtu yak?”

Doenk! (O_o) There goes the first doubtful five minutes of our road trip.

Setelah (akhirnya) nyampe di Bakauheni, temen gue yang beralih-profesi jadi sopir ternyata ragu-ragu milih jalur masuk pelabuhan, DAN kebetulan di depan sana lagi banyak satuan polisi. JRENG JRENG! Diberhentikan loh mobil kita, teman-teman. Smua orang digeledah (wow, I’ve only seen this on movies and criminal news) termasuk dashboard mobil dan karpet mobilnya dan tas-tasnya dan kantong-kantong bajunya. At first, I tawt that was standard protocol, but then, after our car, there were four other cars yang dibiarin lewat gtu aja (padahal imho tampang penumpangnya lebih kek penjahat dibandingkan tampang rombongan gue). Sigh.

Polisinya itu bukan polisi berbaju dinas, but he’s actually polisi cute berbaju preman *istilah macam apa ini* yang ada tulisan SAT NARKOBA di jaketnya. Setan! Kita dikira manusia dugem dan penyalur narkoba sepertinya =_= What a trip! Udah dikira pelaku seks bebas, sekarang sama polisi dikira dealer and prostitute trafficking. Hahahahahahaha.

Untungnya si polisi gendeng ngga nemu apa-apa (sebab temen gue ngumpetin obat di celana dalemnya.. you think??) dan kita di-let go. Abis itu naik ferry yang perjalanannya hanya makan waktu 2 jam sajah, dan ngebut di tol Jakarta-Merak tengah malem. Really-really horror sport even until last minute. Ngepot-ngepot ngindarin truk-truk gede di jalan penuh tikungan dan gelap. OMG.

Hasilnya, I absen from working today due to extreme headache. Cihuy!


kusut said…
the bathrooms ga horor sama sekali. pewe bgt itu remote, cm airnya bau aja. I just washed my forearms and then gave up

itu 170K/night?? gw lupa detil pengeluaran haha.

bayangan gw (dan maunya gw) sih lebih secluded. klo gitu mending ke tempat wisata yg dimanage (dan dijagain oleh orang2) professional, ketimbang penduduk lokal.

gw ga 'digeledah' donk, cm disuruh keluarin isi kantong, thats all :D oom alfa tuh yg kasian. dudul sih jelas2 itu mobil pribadi parkir di jalur bis, maen ngikutin aja, jadi dicurigain deh hahaha

nice write up, btw
kusut said…
baru nyadar

gaya lo nulis pembukaan kaya narasi trailer di film horor =))
alfa said…
njrit kata siapa gw ngumpetin narkoda di celana dalem?!?! di kutang kok wkwkwkwkwkwk
Cynthia said…
gua jadi lupa mau komen paan abis baca komennya om kodok :))

aaahhh kubut lo ikutan yaaaa.. ah aku iri :(

wakakakak.. gua tau itu siapa yang langsung molor :P

untung gua gak ikutlah.. secara mao ngapain coba gua disono? pas kita kayaking di taman sapari aja gua takut.. apalagi ke tengah laut!! -_-
pomponette! said… lagi2 nyuruh si alfa nyetir deh >_< mo narkobanya disimpen di kutang, di cd dimana keq, gw rasa ini semua gr2 aura om2nya!!

trus pembunuhan karakter ini namanya! gw kan langsung tidur krn cape banget waktu itu T_T

btw jujur gw ngerasa rumah panggungnya cukup pewe koq. suasananya sederhana, teduh n enak buat ngaso :P

djay, next trip karimunjawa berarti lo ga ikut dong???
alfa said…
aseeeek berarti next trip gw bisa molor sepanjang jalan ya cep :P
btw, soal gubug derita kita, kayanya emang ada sesuatu yg bikin nyaman deh, bisa2nya gw jam 9 uda tidur, cuma beralaskan tikar dan bantal keras, kaya orang mati pula tidurnya, padahal biasanya mana bisa tidur cepet gitu *euh apa karena capek aja ya*
Cynthia said…
akh lo kan emang kodok kebo :P liat batu aja langsung molor..

emang yang ke karimun jawa kayakin juga?? kagak kali.. eh atau iya ya? kalo iya gua gak ikutan kayakingnya ah.. aku maw poto2 di pantai sajah :D
indigo wine said…
Jay, justru kayaking-nya ituuuu yang paling penting.. klo ngga ngapain jauh2 ke Karimun Jawa? Ancol juga bisa foto2 di pantai, atuh
kusut said…
traveling is more than just a destination, My :D
edel said…
Some tips: try to hide the drugs in your butt hole or put them in the plastic bag then swallow it =P

seems like a very nice journey even sounds (reads) a bit life-threatening. canggih juga buta jalan tapi bisa pulang, pasti navigatornya bukan maya wekekekekek

dari crita lu jek, gw pikir naek prahunya tuh macem prahu besar, pakek mesin, hampir kek pesiar gitu lah, canggih amat tu lumba2 bisa catch up, eh nyatanya prahu getek -.-"

nyways, lemme know about the next trip. perhaps i can join you guys.
alfa said…
correction: better to hide the drugs in your friend's butt hole than in yours :P

navigatornya molor -___-;
jadinya sang supir berusaha membuat suasana setegang mungkin biar yg lain pada mikir 2 kali buat tidur >=]
indigo wine said…
yes, and the strategy definitely works -_-
kusut said…
lol gw sih nyuruh si om ngebut karena dah ga tahan hahah. brangkat + pulang holding it in, I probably broke some guiness records there

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