
Ah, ada jg ortu sesabar itu yang absolutely manjain anak =|
Kemaren saya lagi di tempatnya Hudy and kucuk2 dia ke kompie and buka internet, liat-liat katalog disney, dan.... ta-da!!! Dia ngeprint tuh page...


Printer yang berwarna, koneksi internet, all for only a sixth year old kid...
Trus pas dia nelfon, ngambek ngga mau les, eeh... nyokapnya bilang gini, "Ya udah, kamu main aja ama Kak Maya, nanti malem belajar ama mama."

Gimana gue ngga jiper dengan anceman dipecat??? Kerjaan gue cuma ngobrol n maen2 ama anaknya...

Baru baca komentar orang-orang jenius dari berbagai belahan bumi tentang some test called 'Petal Rose' and it amazed me so much.

There are many of them felt insulted by the line 'the smarter you are, the longer time you need to solve it' or sumtin like that =]

Huahaha, ego, pride, whatever they called it... it startled me to know that me myself could solve it within a minute, but then I don't get furious or insulted or anything, so why all these people went mad???

Yaiks, apakah gue akan terlunta-lunta semester ini di bagian dunia antah-berantah, sacred part of computer science called coding?? CIS ngoding, SIA ngoding, PLBO ngoding, Anaperancis ngoding, DAA ngoding ngga sih???

Anyhoo... selamat menempuh hidup baru buat diri gue sendiri... Ganbatte!!!


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