At last... Harry Potter 4 - My Take

Kemaren berhubung jadwal ngajar saya berkurang drastis dari yang seharusnya 1 1/2 jam jadi hanya 45 menit, timbullah niat nekat ngabur ke PIM 21 (which is exactly my place of tutoring, mind you) untuk menonton my dearest beloved Harry Potter series.

It's a bit annoying since I could be considered as the early people who knew that there will be Harry potter 4 coming soon in the theater yet I was kinda the last people to watch it. Hate it! Ugh, damn schedule and money!


Setelah gamang sekitar 2 menit di depan loket, akhirnya saya membeli satu tiket yang sedianya bakal mulai 5 menit lagi dan berlarilah saya dengan paniknya ke dalem theater 2, dan JRENG JRENG... koq sepi ya??? Ternyata jamnya salah -_-#

Duuuh... you wouldn't believe it, but I actually shed my tears in the early scene, yang pas Hermione ngebangunin Harry n Ron, and he cover himself up =D I'm so touch >_< Have been waiting for this movie for such an entire two years and then again, the movie was not dissapointing me...

It was great show, no annoying screaming children, no bloody spoiler(s), no kissing couple sat mext to me... aaah, suasana menonton yang menyenangkaaaan...

Anyway, the movie was great, amazing, the best adaptation of the book.

Spare me, I know there's no SPEW scene, elves scene, Narcissa Malfoy scene, Ludo Bagman scene, not even any Draco-Hermione captured in the same frame (since I'm such lunatic when it come to both of them =P) but it was great nonetheless.

My fave was when Harry in the prefect bathroom =D
Couldn't stop laughing out loud when seeing that one =D

Lanjutin lagi

That particular scene pretty much assure that Harry Potter from now on is no longer balita's material. So please stop taking your young children to the theater to watch anymore Harry Potter series! Please! >_<

Harry looked so much more normal in this movie. Fell in love, teasing Ron for his 'crush' to Victor Krum =P, felt sick seeing Hagrid's affair =D, shy upon himself on the bathroom, heartbroken seeing Cho went out with Cedric, even cried upon Cedric's death (me myself shivered on that very scene)...

Aaah, the sucks part is (again) the hugging scene between Hermione and Harry. I mean.. what's going on here??? Hullo??? They're not even pairing, and mind you, Hermione is certainly not that typical mushy-fluffy girl, who could just hugged her mate based on hormones... DUH! What's wrong with those director these days??? I could stand the Ron-Hermione thingy (but not with that adegan maksa kuadrat di filmnya yang PoA, yang oncee again hugging out of nowhere), but Harry? Tzziiing....

Anyhoo, I satisfied with this movie, dan thanks to Ramot and Adhita (yang ngasi tau gue), sekarang I already had the WHOLE soundtrack. Yipee! Not to mention I already downloaded the "HP GoF Behind the Scene" video clip... hahahaha, yang sedikit banyak mengambil shoot Draco-Hermione together =D

I'm such a freak maniac of Harry Potter...

Edited again

I forgot to add, the Death Eater wearing their mask was so way cool =D
I love the mask, dan ada kesan bahwa wajah-wajah dibalik topeng itu ganteng-ganteng, wakakakaka.....


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