
Showing posts from August, 2005

Monday Morning

Sabtu, 10.00pm... Here I am, in a cold bedroom belongs to my cousin, listened to Kelly Clarkson - The Trouble With Love Is...jadi mellow ngga jelas... Demi menyukseskan gerakan 17.00 - 22.00 milik pemerintah, akhirnya gue bela2in nyalain notebook jam 10 malem lewat 1 menit =P Hihihi, ngga ada kerjaan banget gue seharian, euy, tadinya mau datang wisuda tapi entah mengapa kaki begitu berat melangkah, akhirnya ngendon di rumah sambil maen Pop Cap Games ama nyobain panada home made >_ Belakangan ini mood bertualang gue ke tempat2 baru jadi ilang =( Bener-bener berasa aga-aga capek dan bokek =P jadinya suka menyibukkan diri dengan KPku yang baru saja resmi dimulai...sigh...orang2 KPnya dah pada selese lah gue baru mulai... Tidak kangen sapa-sapa (which is pathetic) jadinya bengong aja gitu seharian ngga ada yang dikerjain... Pengen ngambil kuliah luar bahasa Itali malah kelebihan sks, kutu bebek! Pengen ngambil semester depan aja, eeh...malah jatah kuliah luar ngga cukup... Senin depan p...

Liburan yuks

maya says: syn syn btw adji mau nonton tuh elephantnya the_yellowjacket_02 says: baru gw pinjemin ke gun the_yellowjacket_02 says: suruh dia dateng ke rmh gw aja the_yellowjacket_02 says: btw, rmh gw udah bisa tuk nginep loh he3x the_yellowjacket_02 says: gudangnya udah diberesin the_yellowjacket_02 says: tinggal bli laptop n meja kecil, perfect dah.. the_yellowjacket_02 says: tapi laptopnya baru bisa beli 5 taon lagi the_yellowjacket_02 says: T_______T maya says: hahaha maya says: perlu disumbang ngga? the_yellowjacket_02 says: perlu dong the_yellowjacket_02 says: 10 juta yak maya says: kata adji asalkan 5 taun lagi anjing lo dah ngga ada, dia mau nginep tuh maya says: adji : takutnya gue nginep pas bangun jari gue udah tinggal empat ajah.. maya says: hiyyyy.... the_yellowjacket_02 says: gwahahaha the_yellowjacket_02 says: bilangin adji ya the_yellowjacket_02 says: ANJING GW GA BISA BUKA PINTU!!!!!!!!!! maya says: huahahahahahahahahaha the_yellowjacket_02 says: hufff... maya says: ta...


This world has been worse enuf without some ordinary student started to shoot their classmates... Read this! Gue dah lama nonton pelemnya, tapi semenjak hari ini saya mengubek-ubek internet buat nyari tau insiden Columbine Highscool, maan...that was a great loss...gue ampe merinding, belum lagi kisah2 tentang after the massacre itself yang bikin orang2 masih ngga bisa lupa ama tuh kejadian, which btw dirangkum dalam sebuah film festival yang judulnya Elephant (the only animal who won't forget) Made me think, if the question, "Do you believe in God?" showed up the moment before I got shot...what would be the answer? "You know I do." ~deepThinkingDay...


Jalan-jalan...puncak...perahu karet...maen kartu...karaoke...bokek... It's just one hell of fun! What a hillarious weekend, me went with my classmates of 2002, ke Puncak yg harga busnya gila2an... despite all the financial issue =D (since gue ini bendaharanya) the trip was excellent! Cape banget seharian ketawa n nyanyi2, mana waktu perang aernya gue disirem dengan sopannya ama orang2, trus difitnah *aaargh* pas sharing =P hahaha, tapi seneng... *maksudnya bukan seneng gara2 difitnah* And the top of it, gue ngga ketauan ma om gue kalo gue sabtu-minggu sempet2nya ke puncak =D Huehehehehe, senengnyaa... sayang badan pada sakit n tepar, anak2 banyak yang ngga ke kampus hari ini =( Beeh, sebenernya banyak yang mau ditulis, tapi gara2 udah tidur seharian, ampe lupa dah mau ngomong paan... Kapan-kapan jalan-jalan lagi aah..

Movies, Films and Others

Gie - A glimpse of History Ok, thanks to this movie, I just knew that there was these slaughtered people in Bali during 1966, when there's PKI issue and Kebangkitan Bangsa Indonesia. Hell, this movie was cool, the actor was good and the soundtrack was awesome. I love it. Here's the review... The bad: - editing was totally a mess, blurry dialogues mixed up with the background song, and poor movie editing, imagine... I swore couple of times when I watched it just because I thought the screen went off (hey, it's getting blank for about 3 seconds in a very important scene!) - Adegannya suka loncat-loncat ngga jelas, pas satu scene belon klimaks eh dah ganti adegan... - Were they sure to put xxx as grown up Han??? He didn't even have any similarity to the young Han cast. The good: - Nicholas Saputra acted like a professional, despite the way he walked, everything seemed just fine =) Besides, he actually didn't look that good in this movie, not with that silly walking and...