oh.. me...

Future is not just something that you think about.
Future is not just something that you plan to do.
You have to do something NOW for you Future :p

Baru aja gue nerima nih email, huehehehe...sucks...
The truth is...I'm scared..
I'm scared bout me, I'm scared bout my future, I'm scared about myself right now..

Naah, behave girl...behave...

Bentar lagi gue mau UAS Jerman, wish me luck ya?

Anyway, tadi pas jalan2 ke mall, gue ketemu cowo cakep >_<
TRus gue minta potonya deh...giling, nih orang ngingetin gue ama F4 yang namanya Ken Zhu =D

Besides, gue juga tiba2 keinget mantan penyanyi cilik favorit gue jaman baheula dulu..huahaha... Billy Gilman!!!
Dia cakep yah??


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