my dream

well, lemme get this straight, kemaren itu gue nginep di tempatnya cecep, dan ternyata ada kakaknya yang cewe yg baru dateng dari HK bareng temennya Sammy.

Pas dinner, temen kakanya tuh suddenly asked me sumtin, well...awalnya sih basa-basi gitu, kuliah dimana, sama ngga ama cecep, n so on, n so on...tapi suddenly, dia nanya gini,

she : Well, what is your dream?
gw : *sambil nyendok makanan* uhm...can't figure it out yet, i guess
she : No, you got to have some dream, what is it? money? happy family? good career? what?
gw : err.. *mikir* perhaps for now...i just wanna have a good life.
she : what is your definition of a good life?
gw : *think hard, my, think!!!* uhm...i become a successful person, that's enough, n then we'll see later..
she : i see...*diem bentar* well, when i was your age, my dream was to become a famous architect, you know, since i'm an architect? but then, when i already became an architect, my dream was just to become a good mother...raise my kid, playing with them, but be a good mother won't help if we don't have any, i'm trying to become a strong career woman, and then build a family.

Waa, gue asli terdiam, that was my first time i was actually being asked about my future dream. I mean, really being asked and made me really think.
That night, i was asking to myself, hell...what is my purpose anyway? For now, masa cuma asal lulus dari Fasilkom aja udah cukup??
No man, i think i have to set my target.
Damn it, but what the heck is my target??

Truss, gue kemaren baca Death Note, awalnya sih ngga tertarik soalnya tampang2 monster2 gitu tokohnya =| But then, after I read a while, it's kinda awesome, cerita ttg seorang cowo yg ketiban buku sakti bernama Death Note di mana dia bisa nulis cara2 kematian orang2 seenak jidatnya, asal dia tau nama dan tampang tuh orang. Trus dia punya musuh gitu dari kalangan kepolisian yg namanya L.

Inti ceritanya pada akhirnya adalah...mereka saling adu intrik n jago2an strategi...duuh, keren de...mana lama2 tokoh utamanya jadi cakep gitu =P lo bakal berasa lagi maen catur kalo baca cerita ini =D

Dan finally, gue kemaren baca lanjutannya Count Cain yang God Child 2, tapi emang dasar nyebelin yah tuh cerita, gantung abis...


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