cute post

ini gue baru baca postingan di blog orang...
ps: yang mosting ini cw n dia udah punya cowo =)


+8888xxxxx : " Aa lagi ngetest Hp baru "
Gw : " Haa?? Hape baluu...balu beli nii, hape punya capaa ciii ? "

beberapa detik kemudian....

+8888xxxxx : " Anas lagi apa cayang, aa balu celece mamam nih, nas dah mamam blum ? "

Gw. muka jadi ungu. Mampus.

Gw : " Ini hape papa yah"
+8888xxxxx : " Iya doong papa "

hoshh.....ALMOST. Untung ajah gua gag nulis sms macem2 seperti muaacchh...muachhh... atau "Hp punya capa cii cayang". kalo iya mampus gw, karna....



pas bacanya sih gue ngakak...kocak abis, emangnya udah segede gini masi blon bole pacaran?? HARI GINI?? =D udah KP segala lagi tuh yang mosting =P huehehe...


Anyway, ada link lucu dari salah satu blog anak2 ^^ score your blog
huhuhu, pas gue ngetes nih blog, masa katanya accesibility blog gue rendah =(

Marketing (How well marketed, and popular the website is.) 8.5
Design (How well designed and built the website is.) 9.6
Accessibility (How accessible the website is, particularly to those with disabilities.) 5.6
Experience (How satisfying the website is likely to be.) 8.0
Overall (Summary score for this website.) 7.5


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