
Humm, this is weird...i just went into a light sleep, and you know what? I dreamt.

This is kinda a sad one, with me and this particular guy. Heck, why him anyway?

Ngga tau de, kayanya yah...this particular guy intent to make fun of me (a bit too much) in that dream. Started from our reunion (haha, i was kinda 24-25 in my dream ^^) when there was a game, we had a lot of fun until I was paired by him.

Dia ngerjainnya itu...biasa aja sih, tapi kayanya di mimpi yang tadi, kekesalan gue (ya, bukan kekesalan juga sih) udah mencapai titik akumulasi apa gituu sampe finally...I cried...

The ironic thing was, I still laughed and smiled, but somehow I had tears in my eyes...whoaa >_< sedih juga nginget2nya.

And he didn't even try to had mercy on me! Ngeledek terus, ngerjain terus, made me feel stupid, made me loose my image (hell, I was 25, remember?), etc...and you know what? I think I accepted all his treatment (sounds like pengobatan alternative yah?) because I...like...him...

Mein Gott!! >_<

Gue aga2 takjub juga pas bangun, half sad, half amazed. Why him? Dia itu...Ok lah...baik n gentleman sekali, kocak juga, and cuek2 ngga penting gitu, tapi dia ampe masuk ke mimpi tidur siang gue???


Ramot said…
waduh maya... suit suit.... (bersiul maxutnyah)
^ ^
MoMo said…
ciehh maya.... sappa tuh???

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