
'Thank you'
'For what?'
'For lending your ears... and for everything...'
'Nah... Why did you have to mention it anyway? I don't even like how it sounded... kind of creepy...'
'Not even if it sounded by me?'
'Nope, not even you...'


'You're just...sometimes you made me angry, you know that?'
'You're just too perfect to be true'
'Me? Are you serious? I'm flattered, honestly...'
'Don't joke...'
'Please... you're the one who started... by telling that I'm perfect or whatsoever...crap!'
'I'm just stating the truth...what do you expect?'


'Is that it?'
'Your gratitude... is that it? Just a plain thank you?'
'I always thought people were saying thank you by saying thank you...'
'You're so much boring, you realize that?'
'Oh, Ok...'


'Well, I think I had to get going...'
'Where what?'
'Where do you have to get going? Duh...'
'None of your business, thank you...'


'Okay...this is ridiculous...'
'Here we go again,'
'I mean it, dammit...why didn't u leave yet?'
'You're asking me to leave?'
'You said you want to get going'
'I change my mind.'
'Oh, please, just get going, will you? Hate to interrupt your whatsoever businesses.'
'You will not, and that's absolutely my problem, not yours, beat it!'


'I think I have to say something,'
'And that is?'
'I love you.'


BIG QUESTION HERE!!! Mana cowonya and mana cewenya?? Hayooo....!!!


Cynthia said…
1st par: 'Thank You'
2nd par: 'You're just too perfect to be true'
3rd par: 'I always thought people were saying thank you by saying thank you...'
4th par: 'Well, I think I had to get going...'
5th par: 'You’re asking me to leave?'
6th par: setuju ama kuya...
Line diatas tu yang ngomong cowo smua. Jadi sisanya yang cewe...tul ga?? :D
indigo wine said…
Hihihi, cute conversation.. Is that one of my fiction or was it really happening?

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