
hai hai, udah pada ngeliat pilihan warna design gue yang terbaru? yeah, for you who didn't get the clue about what's going on...shame on you =)

I chose this grade of color based on my recent mood..cool and confidence, huahahaha...ngga ding...cuman ngasal aja koq =P

Lagi pengen yang bertema es-es nih...

Duuh, btw besok itu saya ujian SI (Sistem Interaksi), tapi koq..err, semangat belajar menghilang begini yah??

Piye toh, jadi anak Indonesia kudu rajin doong, baik membaca dan menabung (as one of my once ngga-banget-junior said), Mein Gott...BELAJAR, my!

HUAAA...baru browsing2 pake opera, trus ketemu site yang lucu banget >_< hua hua hua....liat deh dogster

I wish someday I'll have a dog, an expensive dog, a purebred one...oh man..i really2 loved all the dogs >_<

I hate cats..wueks...bleh...cuh..


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