week end

A self reducing, that's exactly what I called myself during these few days =(
Udah makin lama jadwal saya makin padat, trus jadi beneran apa2 pulang jam 5-6an sore, belon lagi rapat dmana-mana yang kadang2 butuh bolos di tengah2 kuliah *sigh*
Capek, badan saya pegal2, euy...pulang2 tepar and sekalinya liburan (Minggu doang lagi) langsung tidur blek...
Ah, actually ada yang mengganggu pikiran, well, not 'mengganggu' juga sih, cuma it tickled my mind a bit, humm...udah ah...
Btw, MTV ajang ajeng itu seru abis rek, i'm astonished about how they treated their surrounding =)
Marah2 cuma gara2 masalah sepele kaya ada yg suka ngomong vokal bisa berantem gede, marah2 gara2 berasa ada yg over acting di depan kamera padahal siapa tau dienya biasa2 aja eh bisa cakar2an, bleh...the point is..they're girls in common =S
Thank God gue ngga kaya gitu, ngga pernah ngomongin orang, ngga pernah mikir hal negatif ttg orang2 =) Huehehe, sounds like i'm a bit too arrogant, huh??Tapi yah emang bener...lha semua orang di mata gue bae2 aja =D
Kalo gue lagi sensi ama seseorang juga, ngga sampe 3 jam udah baek lagi =) Ah, senangnya become me ^__^
Btw, yang ngga banget dari MTV ajang ajeng yang barusan gue tonton adalah, adegan Pia bersama laptopnya (dia mirip ladya cherill ato gue doang yak yang berasa gitu?). Dia ngomong kaya gini, "Iya, jadi ini ada tugas kuliah gitu de, programming...gue make C++, ngubah2 dari Celcius ke Fahrenheit.." Dalam hati gue ngomong, "buset dah, kaga ada ya satu hari aja gue lepas dari istilah2 yang ngubungin gue ama dunia IT???Even on MTV???"
Ampun ampun... -_-

Serious Talk
What would you expect from a your romance life?? Haha, after i collected my friend's opinion, i think the best love life goes on like this...
1. You had a secret admirer who keep encouraging and supporting you without you to find out.
2. You had an affair exactly before your wedding without ruin the wedding itself.
3. You got married with a person your parent's chosen for you, without love and by the time goes by, you'll learn how to live with that person and how to adjust yourself, to comprehend each other, to accept each other's differences, and in the end, you'll know that you already fell in love with that person. Isn't that sweet??

Well, this is obviously not a normal love life, but I'm kinda adoring it =) how lucky those who experienced it themself.

Sayangnya, ada juga love-life-that-not-go-so-well menurut versi saya =) and here is the nominee...
1. You became a secret admirer for a person who thought that you're not even exist, or consider you only as a so-called-friend.
2. You fall in love with a person who will get married the day after.
3. You fell in love with a person who had been 'matched' by the parent.

Sebenernya setelah dipikir-pikir, gue agak ngga yakin mau nulis ttg yg gue rasain di blog kaya gini =(
I dunno...privacy, perhaps? Pas dibaca ulang, ada hari2 yang nyakitin hati buat dibaca ulang, ada yang pas dibaca kayanya bisa bikin orang laen ngga enakan, dll.
I really dont wanna be the major cause of all that, sebisa gue...gue pengen jadi inspirasi positif buat temen2 gue and sapa aja yang baca ini, but again...this IS a privacy blog, isn't it? =(

Hell, anyway, I want to share my feeling today. Gue kadang2 pengen jadi kaya salah satu temen gue yang punya pengaruh gede ke lingkungannya (including me), tanpa sepengetahuannya dia. Keren aja yah? Dia jadi contoh teladan buat gue gara2 semua perbuatan dan perkataannya bener2 bikin gue kagum, sekalipun sometimes itu tuh rada2 beda sendiri ama yang laen. *sigh*


indigo wine said…
ganbatte my

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