Lost in snowy days

I'm writing this while listening to Rehab - Sittin in A Bar

Juat listen, kinda brought back my mood to write. Hehehe.

Anyway, Happy Christmas everybody, so great having another Christmas in the middle of people you love. As for me, I visited the old time uncle families and amazed at how fast the children grow. Dude, it's just been a year since I met them. Geez.

This past week made me realize something (unimportant) which is.. Vino Bastian itu maen di banyaaak pelem and in each movies he acted better as a macho cool guy instead of this flamboyant man. Adore this hunk, but I guess world is not fair indeed since his voice is so pitchy high nanny-sound-alike. Hahahahaha.

And then, now I'm a bit obsessed with the couple Luna Maya and Ariel - Peterpan. So cute, ini adalah hasil tiap hari nonton acara Dahsyat di RCTI kayanya, selera tontonan gue jadi kaya selera ibu-ibu. Huhuhuhuhu. Tapi seriously, they are cute eventhough the boy is shorter than the girl =P

In a more serious news, I visited Bandung a couple of days ago and I'm in love with the city, yeah well after spending 3 days in a row there, no wonder. A lot more trees give shocking impact, fresher air and not to mention the rainy season, made my night wandering shivered in a thick coat. Not long after I reached Jakarta again, mein gott, udaranya kering. Keriiiing, walopun banyak angin bertiup tapi kering abis. Abis-abisan. Jadi pengen beli rumah di Bandung.Eric Shinwa

Hm, apalagi? The recent movie I watch is like... none. I tried to avoid my laptop during my annual leave, cause somehow that thing reminds me of my clients. Aaargh. Hush hush.

That's it, quick recap from indigowine. See you all folks in the same channel and IP address. Ta-ta.

ps: Nama lengkapnya Ariel Peter Pan tu opo toh??


Edited at 1:15am

Eric ShinwaWhy the heck did I stay up this late? Hayah, the only sole reason is because I'm obsessed with this guy, a personnel of Shinwa named Eric. First time I noticed the very existence of this guy was after watching XMAN. He is adorable, his smile, his dorky jokes, and his elegant aura. Not to mention his shy nature. So kawaii.

Eric is also known, aside as a member of Shinwa's band, but also as an actor and starred in a lot of commercials. His poetic figure brought him a lot of fortune, I think. Currently, he serves his time in military duty, hopefully he came back alive. Geez.Eric Shinwa

Anywaay, browsing til this late of hour, I stumbled upon a cute website containing everything about Eric Shinwa. His commercial clips, his video shoots, his video clip, and even his movies. One of them is Banjun Drama called Sweet Room. The cool thing is he played with Chae Rim, an actress once mentioned in this blog for her role in Dal Ja's Spring. What a great coincidence!

Chae Rim itu emang selalu cocok dengan daun-daun muda dan brondong-brondong segar. Huhuhuhuhu. First Lee Min Ki and then Eric. Gila, lucky bastard!

For further infos, can be clicked here

Banjun drama itself has a cute meaning, it's like Sketsa show in Indonesia where stars acted in a minidrama with funny and witty scenario. Love it. Not only Eric starred in those dramas, but others like Rain, Se7en, etc are also has their own episodes. Coolness!


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