Oscar and stuff

Wadow, it's been years since I wrote in here =P Thanks for all the supporting comments and teasing one =D Tee-hee, really brighten my day up =D

Anyhoo.. more to come these days, namely Jomblo, Underworld, X-Men3, MI3, and others. Damn, I broke!

Oscar kemaren nonton sebentar, well.. congratulation to mantannya Ryan Phillipe (sape ya tuh namanya??) yang dapet Best Actress, wooooo!!! Trus congrats to Human Trafficking yang dapet pelbagai nominasi di Oscar xD I really2 interested in knowing a lot more about this movie.. I know it's a serial TV show, but from the review I got, that sounds really like an unordinary one =) Ada yang punya bakarannya???

Truss... dari previous post, comment dari Arnold bener2 aga menohok hati ya =P How to melt a girl's heart down? And so he asked me back, "How to melt your heart's down? Tell it to your brother.."


Selama ini sebenernya gue memakai teori yang sama dalam hal pemilihan kado ulang tahun buat temen, dimana prinsipnya adalah: Give them what you probably like and fond of, so when the worse happened, at least you got sumtin interesting for yourself =D

Hahahahaha, jadi kalo gue ngasih tas, kaset ato apa gitu.. gue pasti demen tu barang.. hihihi, rada egois memang =P

But finale, gue sendiri bingung emang gimana caranya ya membuat seorang gue tertarik (atau bahasa jijaynya: melunakkan hati gue) pada seorang keturunan Adam? (Huahaha, jijay banget ni, gue ngutip kata2 dalam Narnia =D) Mengingat sejarah gebetan2 gue adalah ehm, ehm dan ehm *ngakak*

Dan tiba-tiba out of nowhere gue mati rasa ma nyaris semua Adam descendant.. jeh. sulit...


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