Oomba waamba

Hey... lately people is gettin noisy, eh? It's not like a bad thing or sumtin.. but.. err.. never mind =D

Pengen ganti theme blog tapi I still sighing when I saw those two cubical thingy in my side bar... *sigh* They're just cute... love them and the art maker.. which is.. heise =D *sigh*

Anyway, sum of you might have known my spesific obsession through deviantart gallery.. jadi ceritanya, belakangan ini I got hooked by this particular photograper called timelessimage... her works is just adorable... please check them out =) ok, ok.. iklan stop! The problem is... gue pengen foto2 yang tipikalnya kaya gitu jadi cover halaman depan buku angkatan gue... huhuhu... got to be awesome if that could happen...

Daan.. I've seen Underworld 2... well, pretty much like my first review upon Underworld 1, it's simply an action movie, no deep meaning.. I didn't even sit down for a couple of minutes after the show to absorb the movie ._. Geez...!

I'm intrigued looh by the advertisement of "Cinta, Realita dan Rock'n Roll" =D Denger2 dapet kritikan yang bagus (is there such thing as kritikan yang bagus? -_-#) tapi diri ini benar-benaaar berat melangkah ke bioskop berhubung sutradaranya itu si itu... which had succeeded in bringin' my mood down when I saw Lovely Luna movie... God, never again!

Btw ada yang tau film Stolen Summer dan buku Kembang Jepun?? Please give me some reviews of them =) Danke...


Recently gue ngebaca di majalah2 salon gitu ye, secara gue juga rada gatel pengen ngutak-ngatik pala gue =P, intinya di majalah2 salon yang bejibun itu, gue cukup tertawa tersipu-sipu pas ngebaca sebuah artikel... dia ngebahas arti sebenernya dari ucapan2 wanita.. yang pretty much bener juga =D hehehe, misalnya:

We said: Temen aku pengen ketemu sama kamu...
Truly meaning: I told them lotsa things =P

We said: Aku harus pulang sekarang ni, tapi kalo kamu masih pengen di sini ya gapapa...
Truly meaning: I got to go home and you'd better come with me!

We said: Kayanya aku gemukan ya?
Truly meaning: I'm still gorgeus anyway...

Huihihihi... wanita memang rumit... wakakakaka... seneng juga jadi cewe =D


CGT kemaren Sabtu tu lucu... bela2in nungguin the Lambirer's tampil ampe jam 8 lebih hanya untuk mendengar mereka mengaku kalo mereka gay -_-# Dasar panitia licik, membuat tu band tampil paling akhir!!!!

Tapi teteup... pilihan lagunya... sigh... jadi keinget lagi, dasar ble'e.. mana Mba Dikey pake acara ngebanjir segala T__T huhuhu... ~nyebelin...

Would you call my name if I saw you in heaven?
Would you feel the same if I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on
'cause I know I don't belong here in heaven...

Private thingies

These days I felt weird towards everybody... when will the old My strike back? ._. Missed her, tho...


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