
Showing posts from February, 2006


Eiy.... gue baru sekali ini ngerasain yang namanya tidur kecapean gara2 sakit kepala ngga kunjung sembuh... gila, ngga pake mimpi, posisi ngga berubah-ubah (awalnya kaki gue masih menjuntai ke lantai, eh diakhiri dengan kaki yang teteup pada posisi yang sama -_-# aga pegel...) dan intinya... sakit pala gue ilang ^^ Huree.. Gue tewas jam 9 malem, bangun jam 1/2 satu pagi dan akhirnya bengong ngga jelas berhubung laper berat blom makan malem T__T Sigh. Minggu gue nonton Pimp My Ride.. and man, ain't that show ROCKS ??? Gue mau dooong di-upgrade-in gtu mobilnyaaa... keren AJAH.. dari VW butut jadi VW kewl lengkap dengan mesin pengering baju, TV 40" and papan selancar baruuu... hohohoho... *mupeng* Daaaan, kemaren malem mendapat telfon yang menyenangkan =) It's been such a long time since I actually talk with this person =D Heeeei, I miss youuu... We talked and talked sampai pada suatu kesempatan dia nanya, Eiy, betewe lo masih single kan? Tziiing. Hm, bukan masalah status jo...


Huree... Huree... It's a happy happy deeei... Yesterday I watched Aeon Flux, it's not as shallow as I thought before. At least I was impressed by the fact of those 'life after death - literally' ideology that being brought by that movie. Interesting, really! =) And Charlize Theron looked so much like Posh Spice she is =P Anyway... still had no fund to keep me in this movie-updating-behavior. Namely Jomblo, MI3, Realita dan bla3, Basic Instinct 2, etc. *sigh* And by the way, guys.. I'm in love with a hood-jacket ._. And it's from Abercrombie (thanks to my cousin who nagged me off with that thing) It's pretty cheap, only 89 thousands IDR. Anyone? =P

Oomba waamba

Hey... lately people is gettin noisy, eh? It's not like a bad thing or sumtin.. but.. err.. never mind =D Pengen ganti theme blog tapi I still sighing when I saw those two cubical thingy in my side bar... *sigh* They're just cute... love them and the art maker.. which is.. heise =D *sigh* Anyway, sum of you might have known my spesific obsession through deviantart gallery.. jadi ceritanya, belakangan ini I got hooked by this particular photograper called timelessimage ... her works is just adorable... please check them out =) ok, ok.. iklan stop! The problem is... gue pengen foto2 yang tipikalnya kaya gitu jadi cover halaman depan buku angkatan gue... huhuhu... got to be awesome if that could happen... Daan.. I've seen Underworld 2... well, pretty much like my first review upon Underworld 1, it's simply an action movie, no deep meaning.. I didn't even sit down for a couple of minutes after the show to absorb the movie ._. Geez...! I'm intrigued looh by the adv...

Oscar and stuff

Wadow, it's been years since I wrote in here =P Thanks for all the supporting comments and teasing one =D Tee-hee, really brighten my day up =D Anyhoo.. more to come these days, namely Jomblo, Underworld, X-Men3, MI3, and others. Damn, I broke! Oscar kemaren nonton sebentar, well.. congratulation to mantannya Ryan Phillipe (sape ya tuh namanya??) yang dapet Best Actress, wooooo!!! Trus congrats to Human Trafficking yang dapet pelbagai nominasi di Oscar xD I really2 interested in knowing a lot more about this movie.. I know it's a serial TV show, but from the review I got, that sounds really like an unordinary one =) Ada yang punya bakarannya??? Truss... dari previous post, comment dari Arnold bener2 aga menohok hati ya =P How to melt a girl's heart down? And so he asked me back, "How to melt your heart's down? Tell it to your brother.." Interesting... Selama ini sebenernya gue memakai teori yang sama dalam hal pemilihan kado ulang tahun buat temen, dimana pri...