
Showing posts from December, 2005

Unsure state

Sebenernya mulai berpikir hal beginian sejak ada usulan mencantumkan gambar penunjuk jalan sebagai cover depan Buku Angkatan Fasilkom 2002. Penunjuk jalan yang menjadi simbolisme pilihan yang akan diambil selepasnya kita dari bangku kuliah. Apakah bakal ngelanjutin S2, langsung melamar pekerjaan, atau menikah? =P Alhasil, I stumbled upon so many scholarship sites, mulai dari Erasmus Mundus, DAAD, Fulbright - AMINEF, dll... and somehow at one point I thought, "What the hell am I doing?" Oh my God, I'm not sure about my future =( I'm not sure about what kind of job I would like to do. Heck, I'm not even sure what kind of field I would pretty much enjoyed to surf in. Aaaaargh.... what have I done in the last four years in this %$%#$%&% faculty??? Back when I was just a highschool student, I was so damn sure where and what is the next step I'd like to take (ALERT: grammar confuse!!)... entah itu melanjutkan ke SMU mana and universitas mana... But then, after a...

Christmas here I come

Nyooong >_ Happy happy Christmas everybody! May this year will be filled with laughter and joy instead of some crazy assholes bombing everywhere... Wawawawawa... pengen belanja buat Natal.. Since selama 20 tahun gue hidup di dunia ini, ngga pernah ngerasain belanja khusus Christmas (-_-#) jadinya tahun ini ingin berbelanja... What exactly do I look for in this time shopping?? Well, first, gue pengen merasakan jalan2 di area perbelanjaan yang penuh dengan suasana Natal, dekorasi Natal, dan lagu-lagu natal...wawawawawa... Lebih bagus lagi kalo ada saljunya >_ And second, I dunno, I just wanna have fun, I guess =) Berhubung tahun ini (lagi-lagi) ngga bisa balik, sigh, akhirnya saya terpaksa menghibur diri dengan coklat, nastar dan baju baru, wakakakaka... And so this is Christmas... And what have you done? Another year over A new one just begun...

Against all Odds

Lagi pengen ngebakar lagu2 ke VCD, and I'm pretty much confused about what exactly will I put on that one CD.. I'm planning to give it to my beloved cousin =D So far it's up to 170 MB and ... err... after I put those Harry Potter OST (both 3 and 4) and the GIE OST, it's still spare an empty space.. -sigh- The Chronicles of Narnia Fine, fine, lemme just list the bad things about this movie... Some scenes are just too obvious showing that the background is a fake one Special effect is not as good as LOTR or HP --> according to my humble opinion though But, despite the major failures mentioned aboved, I think Narnia is a pretty heart-warming movie, ESPECIALLY if you didn't read the Book at the first place (thank God I didn't). I liked the ending, it somehow filled me up with excitement seeing the four of them being grown up after all these years =D and then it turned out that... Yeah, well, I'm looking forward for the next movie of Narnia, then.

Rapid growth

Duu... baru saja menonton film Indonesia berjudul Lovely Luna, yang sangat murni dipilih berdasarkan tampang pemainnya yakni Herjunot Ali =P Sungguh, that movie was suppose to be called Lovely Desta instead of Luna.. Belakangan gue beli 11 judul film Indonesia, murni gara2 sepupu gue minta dibeliin, dan sayang sekali, saudara-saudara.. sebab film2 yang dia minta semuanya belum terbit =D Ada ngga seh yang jualan film Indonesia bajakan? Ngga ada kan ya?? Duuuh, lagi2 kesasar dan stuck di deviant ... sedang tergila-gila dengan yang namanya heise Anjrit, cara pewarnaan skinnya keren banget... huhuhu... Daaaan... tadi baru saja menonton FF VII - Children Advent (ok, rada basi) tapi graphicnya sangat-sangat-sangat 'parah' as in 'sinting'... giling, they could possibly draw a human skin so damn close to the original one... Too bad the fight scene was always a bit too fast I could just skipped that part away =D

Malam-malam sepi

Ku sendiri di lab lagi... lalalalala, lagi nungguin anak-anak Telematika selese kuliah jam 9 malam >_ Anyway, tadi barusan nonton Behind the Scene of HP4, and you could call me freak but I enjoy the scene where Tom Felton was flirting with that Watson babe =D Gosh, it was really refreshing my day (or.. err, night?) since I could see them both interacted with each other, exactly in one frame =D Gyuuu, seandainya shipper gue menjelma menjadi kenyataan =D Long live Draco-Hermione!!! =D Trus, kemaren ada kejadian rada bego, jadi yaa... ada yang namanya de-javu tapi terbalik yang terjadi pada gue. Perhatikan ini: (btw, semua based on my lousy memory, so don't count on the exactness --> is this even a word??) A: Gue ngga berani ah! Gue: Elaaaah, sms doaaaang??? Udah gue kasih alasan yang bagus juga.. A: Ntar kalo dia ngga bales gimana?? Gue: Ya nasib lu.. A: Tapi, ntar dia mikir macem2 lagi.. Gue: ... Dan bandingkan dengan yang ini: Gue: Tau ngga, sebenernya sekarang ada seseoran...

At last... Harry Potter 4 - My Take

Kemaren berhubung jadwal ngajar saya berkurang drastis dari yang seharusnya 1 1/2 jam jadi hanya 45 menit, timbullah niat nekat ngabur ke PIM 21 (which is exactly my place of tutoring, mind you) untuk menonton my dearest beloved Harry Potter series. It's a bit annoying since I could be considered as the early people who knew that there will be Harry potter 4 coming soon in the theater yet I was kinda the last people to watch it. Hate it! Ugh, damn schedule and money! Anyhoo... Setelah gamang sekitar 2 menit di depan loket, akhirnya saya membeli satu tiket yang sedianya bakal mulai 5 menit lagi dan berlarilah saya dengan paniknya ke dalem theater 2, dan JRENG JRENG... koq sepi ya??? Ternyata jamnya salah -_-# Duuuh... you wouldn't believe it, but I actually shed my tears in the early scene, yang pas Hermione ngebangunin Harry n Ron, and he cover himself up =D I'm so touch >_ It was great show, no annoying screaming children, no bloody spoiler(s), no kissing couple sat mex...