Unsure state
Sebenernya mulai berpikir hal beginian sejak ada usulan mencantumkan gambar penunjuk jalan sebagai cover depan Buku Angkatan Fasilkom 2002. Penunjuk jalan yang menjadi simbolisme pilihan yang akan diambil selepasnya kita dari bangku kuliah. Apakah bakal ngelanjutin S2, langsung melamar pekerjaan, atau menikah? =P Alhasil, I stumbled upon so many scholarship sites, mulai dari Erasmus Mundus, DAAD, Fulbright - AMINEF, dll... and somehow at one point I thought, "What the hell am I doing?" Oh my God, I'm not sure about my future =( I'm not sure about what kind of job I would like to do. Heck, I'm not even sure what kind of field I would pretty much enjoyed to surf in. Aaaaargh.... what have I done in the last four years in this %$%#$%&% faculty??? Back when I was just a highschool student, I was so damn sure where and what is the next step I'd like to take (ALERT: grammar confuse!!)... entah itu melanjutkan ke SMU mana and universitas mana... But then, after a...