Sweet Things

Sweet lil things people'd done to me:
1. Pas gue SD, di angkot gue pernah dikasi duit Rp 100 ama seorang anak SMA yang ngga gue kenal cuman gara2 gue ngomong ama temen gue dengan paniknya kalo duit ongkos gue kurang =D Setelah dikasi, dia turun dari angkot and gue bengong 3 menit =P

2. My mom forgived me pas gue ngilangin duit Rp 6000 pas gue SMP, asli sebenernya gue takut banget n udah niat ngga mau ngaku kalo tuh duit dah ilang =( Duuuh, napa ya pas SMP duit segitu terasa gede banget? Now I know why mom forgived me that easily =P

3. One of my friends told me that...ehm...suara gue bagus didenger pas di telfon ato pas bicara berdua =D As you all know, gue tuh nyolot and obviously judes when I spoke, so...uhm...that's quite sweet =)

4. All of Y's females pernah gue susahin pas gue sakit =D Whether they cleaned up the mess that I made (when I throwed up or sumtin), or they accompanied me to the medical center, or they simply took care of me. Yey ^___^ Danke schön!

5. Banyaklah...



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