
Nangis!!! Nangis aja terus!!
-cowo lucu dengan tampang jutek-


Jadi yaa...si Adinda ini ternyata tipikal cewe lemah penakut yang bikin gue pengen noyor palanya. Emosi gini gue pas nonton! Dasar lemah, ngga mau membela yang benar, nerima aja dikasarin...sinting abis de nih cewe..tau cara berpikirnya gmana juga...

Duuh, gw ni ngapain ya?? Besok tuh anum!! Belajar May..belajar!!
Parah, panik juga ngga...pas baca2 slide tadi..yah... ach so-lah =P

Aargh, Jerman minggu depan >_<

Bodo ah...right now let's focus on sumtin else *melempar slide anum jauh2*

Feels like i wanna say hi to someone..

Alo, if you by some means happen to read my blog, I just wanna say thank you.
Thank you for being exist in this world, thank you for entering Fasilkom, thank you for letting me knew you, thanks for having a smart-ass-brain =D it's keeping me alive ^^

Overall...i think you're the most serious crush I've ever had in my entire life (as if I had lived for 40 years =D) and for that...thank you, huehehe...

Maaf yah kalo nyusahin n maaf kalo pernah bikin anda bete (mungkin)..dadah, take care n may u have the best thing in this world (since I don't think I will) =P


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