I missed traveling bad. It's been 1.5 years without traveling and sightseeing to new places I've never been to. My furthest spot was Bandung and even that brought so many nostalgic feelings, like when I attended work-related meetings, or when my team had a short getaway trip, or my past dating venues. Sigh. I wish this blasted pandemic get over soon, and everyone treat Covid19 as meh as any other influenza variants. Just rest in bed, drink Vitamin C, pop some pills and you'll be alright. No ICU, no breathing trouble, no damaging internal organs. I mean, who knew right? Who knew we can go to Banks or supermarket wearing any type of masks and not get arrested or even eyed suspiciously. I have some progress over life, well, not sure if I can really call it a progress. I have been dating my SO for quite a while, had some turbulences, undergoing some 'oh-i-didn't-know-that' moments, doing that marry-or-not-to-marry type of dance, had some fights, major apologies and...