My Past Month

Apparently when you plan for something, it usually will not work, not immediately. At least that was what usually happened in my case.

I planned to be able to drive, so I took a driving course. Thinking that I might be able to slip one or two days of work into driving classes. But then, real life happened. By the second class, I was a bit tired and bored, because all I did was to conquer the fuckin road bump (apa sik bahasa inggrisnya Polisi Tidur?). Then I guess I would only be able to finish the whole class by next month, a bit late than what I expected.


Another thing that I applied for was actually being granted. A bit easier than I thought. And by that I mean its most annoying part was to get my photo taken.

Yep, my 'Murica visa. Yay! A visa with no clear plan of traveling there. Thank you my lovely office for limiting my annual leaves.

What else? Oh yeah, I did buy that IPhone 5S. Resulting in me having two fuckin phones. Because I'm so fuckin cheapo, that's why. I think I should've trusted myself better. If my phone is still wearable, I would never throw it away. Ever. So welcome my daily life with heavy bag, because now I carried around three phones along with the office's Blackberry.

Hmm.. I think this post should be warned with tagline #braggingComplaint or something like that.


Unknown said…
Halo IndigoWine :) Ini Eyi Puspita a.k.a larilarikecil. Malam ini lagi bernostalgia baca2 posting di blog lama, melihat-lihat komennya dan menemukan namamu di beberapa komen. Lalu mengikuti linknya dan sampailah di sini. Hebat euy, masih konsisten ngeblog ya :) Saya sendiri sudah lamaaaaa skl ngga ngeblog. Kemarin akhirnya bikin blog baru, tapi itupun jarang diisi hehehe... Anyway, saya cuma mau mampir dan bilang terima kasih karena dulu sering berkunjung ke blog saya. Rasanya saya belum pernah bilang makasih :)

Luv, Eyi
indigo wine said…
Wuahhh Mba Eyi! Iyaa ini sebenernya juga ga konsisten ngeblog juga sih, cuma lagi kepikiran sesuatu aja...

Okay saya akan bertandaaang

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