
Showing posts from August, 2013

Ayam Suwe

A couple of months ago (seemed seriously like YEARS ago), I was involved in an engagement, nope, not the one prior to any wedding ( I wishhhh! ), but a project engagement. The time period was typically short, one month and extended into another month. But hell if that was the first time (in a really long time) I felt like jumping out of my 35th floor office cubicle.. not to the ground, mind you, but rather jumping into an embrace of a gentleman ( halahhh ). Yeah, anyway, in this so called time-period of the project, semangat nasionalisme gw sangat membara dan I ended up staying at office real late, mostly at 11 PM, but it is not rare that I went home nearing dawn ( okeh, lebay ). It's all up to my wallet situation, really. When me having no shit, I insisted to go home at 11 PM since it was the last train to catch up. Standard conversation with the cab driver Supir: Malem, Mba. Mau dianter ke mana? Gw: Malem, Pak. Ke stasiun Sudirman ya. Supir: Loh? Malem-malem gini masih ada...