Happy Year

Happy New Year everybodeeh...

May the following year brings us the best, in life and peace and love and gaul..

Anywaaaaaaaaay, having spent the last Christmas vacation in my uncle's place (instead of a hospital like the previous year -__-) brought me in state of happiness and bliss.

Why? Cause I got the privilege of 24 hours internet and TV cable. Yes, that's a luxury for such a scrawny lil girl that I am. Huhuhuhu. So Happy. I downloaded almost everything that I could think of, likewise with the TV cable, I absorbed everything I could possible chew in. Say, Super Junior stuff, their songs, their reality show, their video clips, their pictures, their fanart, ohmygoat I take it all in. Aaargh, what a lunatic!!

As a result, I ended up being this autism girl with her dorky glasses squatting in the corner, browsing at her art collection of Super Junior in the office cubicle. Pathetic. But yet so giggly, since it reminded me of my young age (am I that old now? Geez).

My life? It's been up and down the hills. Bored since some of the engagements seems like another endless engagements, but excited since the old client returned. Boho, I almost forget their names and the roles and occupation. Bloody hell.

Some of my friends plan to return to this country in this year, so I wait with much anticipation for whatever they shall bring home. Hahahaha, what a gift lurker and presents obsessive.

That's all for now. Please stay tune for much much more capturing event from my point of view. My, as in my name, not kata ganti orang pertama. Hehehehehe. Deey.

Gosh, I almost forgot, my resolution for this year is to smile. Period. Seems easy, but somehow, I dunno, a bit wacky and too much false hope put into it. But we'll see.


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