Lost in snowy days
I'm writing this while listening to Rehab - Sittin in A Bar Juat listen, kinda brought back my mood to write. Hehehe. Anyway, Happy Christmas everybody, so great having another Christmas in the middle of people you love. As for me, I visited the old time uncle families and amazed at how fast the children grow. Dude, it's just been a year since I met them. Geez. This past week made me realize something (unimportant) which is.. Vino Bastian itu maen di banyaaak pelem and in each movies he acted better as a macho cool guy instead of this flamboyant man. Adore this hunk, but I guess world is not fair indeed since his voice is so pitchy high nanny-sound-alike. Hahahahaha. And then, now I'm a bit obsessed with the couple Luna Maya and Ariel - Peterpan . So cute, ini adalah hasil tiap hari nonton acara Dahsyat di RCTI kayanya, selera tontonan gue jadi kaya selera ibu-ibu. Huhuhuhuhu. Tapi seriously, they are cute eventhough the boy is shorter than the girl =P In...