Prison Break (the next episode)

There's some things that once you got a hold of it, you just can't let it go. You'll just keep turning back and hang on to it. Like me, for example. I'll never get tired of watching new old series, and eventhough it kept me up and down the hills at times, but eventually I'll still continue watching them and voila, the very same story caught my interest once again.

Yah, Prison Break for example. This series had long gone from its first season, and right now, starting their fourth one and I'm STILL interested in the plot. Hahahaha. Maybe you thought of me as a bit of megalomaniac addict to Michael Scofield, but I don't think so.

Michael Scofield is chubbier now, compared to the first season (in which everytime you set your eyes upon him, you goes like "Aaargh, kill me, he's adorable.") So, no, his looks is not something I chase anymore, cause right now I'm looking at Sara Tancredi. Hehehehe, big spoiler, yes?

Despite the ridiculous plot which turned more and more like Indonesian electronic cinema, I think in this season Prison Break has more important (if not confusing) missions to solve. Yah, we'll see lah.

Anyhow, kalo lu nonton dan ngikutin Prison Break dari season satu, laju plot-nya dari season tiga ke season empat koq aga-aga gmana gtu yah. Di season satu Scofield planned to get his brother out of Fox River penitentiary gara-gara dituduh ngebunuh entah siapa yang ada hubungannya ama capres US. Udah gtu di season dua, Scofield berhasil kabur tapi jadi fugitive. Dia 'kenalan' ma agen polisi jenius namanya Mahone. Di season tiga, Scofield ketangkep lagi di penjara Sona di Panama yang konon once you get in, you'll never get out. Dia sengaja dimasukin ke penjara Sona itu buat ngeluarin seorang pria ngga jelas yang kerja buat The Company. Gilanya, di Sona ini, yang ketangkep is not just Scofield tapi sekalian si agen jenius Mahone itu. Jadi kalo dipikir-pikir, mau lo jadi insinyur, agen polisi, kepala penjara, pembunuh pedofil, maling henpon, apa kek, sekalinya lo maen di Prison Break, ujung-ujungnya pasti masuk penjara juga.

Nah di season empat ini, Scofield kan berhasil kabur dari Sona, si tempat angker itu. Eeeh, baru di episode satu tiba-tiba dibilang kalo tiga hari yang lalu Sona being burned down due to riot held by the prisoner. Intinya tahanan-tahanannya pada kabur gitu aja. Anjrit, Scofield aja butuh satu season buat kabur itu juga dah empot-empotan mikirinnya, ini tahanan-tahanan yang laen koq gampang amat. Bah, tau gitu bikin kekacauan aja dari dulu, bos!

Ini kayanya emang sengaja biar Scofield reunited with his old buddies from prison(s). Kocak juga kalo dipikir-pikir. Scofield tu kan dulu kerjanya kantoran, pake jas, insinyur cerdas bertampang clean, eh sekarang gaulannya orang-orang napi, dong.

Yang paling mirip sinetron adalah tokoh Sara Tancredi. Perannya pas di season satu tu sweet banget de, jadi dokter tahanan di Fox River, tempat Scofield ditahan. Trus suka ma Scofield, trus ikutan rencana kabur dari penjara, trus terpisah gara-gara Scofield dikejar-kejar polisi, trus ketemu lagi pas dah mau ending season dua. Trus pas Scofield dipenjara di Sona, Sara jadi sandera (along with LJ) buat nego ama Scofield biar mau disuruh ngeluarin si pria ngga jelas yang kerja buat The Company ituh. Trus during season tiga, Sara Tancredi dipenggal dong palanya gara-gara Michael Scofield berulah. Matilah kawan kita, I shocked, Scofield shocked, everybody shocked.

Eh di season empat tiba-tiba dibilang kalo itu semua palsu, bohong, tipu-tipu. Bukti penggalan kepala hanyalah kepala cewe laen yang diambil dari ruang mayat yang mirip ma Sara. Saranya sendiri ternyata berhasil kabur pas disandera. Jreng jreng.

A bit like telenovela kan? Hehehehe. Quotenya si Lincoln sih lucu, "Yeah it was dark. But if you're asking me if I picked up the head to check if it was Sara, no, Michael, I didn't do that."

However, all and all, I'm happy Sara's still alive, cause this movie is lack of women. It's all men and men. Besides, Sara and Michael is cute together. Hihihihi.

Oh and by the way, I won something recently. A poster competition. Yay. But I thought maybe the jury had low level of taste if I could win such contest.


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