
What a freaking boring morning, and not to mention a lazy Monday to begin with. Up to this second, I idly browsed through, trying to find a great deal with minimum purchase =P Aaah, shopping (eventhough) online is refreshing indeed.

I found (but not necessarily bid) a cute Kate Spade handbag, gorgeous Bebe trench coat, nice Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirt, lovely yellow Bebe flowy dress (and I mean it, really lovely >_<), Banana Republic hoodie jacket, and tons of great other items.



Then my colleague came to me with this bunch of documents, UAT documents, and asked me to REDONE my bug-free-proof screen shot AGAIN just because they asked for it.

Muooonyong kampreeeet.....

Napa ngga dulu aja sekalian?? Sumpah gue males banget ngulang2 aplikasi dari awal, bikin nasabah baru dan customize the freakin database biar bisa dites ulang. MALAS! MALAS! And I heard he wants to get out from this assignment and made it a secondary assignment? Wtf?

Yah, mood merosot jauh saja lah seharian ini. Koneksi internet juga bikin marah, putus nyambung ngga jelas. Di kantor juga masih ngga jelas. Meja blom punya, cubicle apalagi. Bah! Dah kaya anak tiri yang diperas tenaganya aja gue. MALAS!


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