
Showing posts from July, 2008

Pop the Question

Interesting quizzes, like always, charmed me in a certain way, especially when the quiz had cute questions to ask. Recently, okay maybe not that recent, I entered a quiz which cost me quite a minute to figure out the answer. Why? Because I imagine what the answer would likely be. Hehehehe. It's fun, actually. The cute question happened to be: What would your ideal time and place be when the question being popped? a. In a middle of a big game, maybe soccer, basketball, football, hockey, etc. During the halftime, the big screen up there read "Will you marry me?" and the whole hall scream for you both, dazzle you up. b. At the beach, in the middle of the slow dance, with Frank Sinatra - Moon River song played in the background, moon shone up above. He stared deeply into your eyes, kissed you, then popped the question. c. By bunch of clues, trails, signs that lead you to the end of a path, and by the time you reach the place, he stood there nervously, gingerly, then asked you...

Who's this cutie?

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... Duuh demen dah kalo ada maenan baru buat dikecengin This guy's apparently named Alex Watson, yeah, the brother of Emma Watson, the Hermione 'Know-It-All' Granger. Pertama muncul di pers masih lucu-lucu balita, eeeh sekarang dah jadi good looking lad. Hehehehehehe.

Hair, oh Hair..

These days I often caught myself in between some dull thinking activities. Which is meaningless, and totally unimportant. But not necessarily un-fun(??). It is fun, in fact, it's enjoyable actually. Hehehehe. Salah satunya adalah ketika di siang bolong, saat sedang sendirian di kamar, tiba-tiba terbersit (terbesit? tebersit?) keinginan untuk ke salon buat ngegunting dan ngeriting rambut. Ta-da! That was such a brilliant idea! Magnificent! Genius! Melangkahlah saya dengan hati riang ke salon dan menanyakan kalo ngeriting kira-kira tahan berapa lama ya? Oh 3 bulan. Ya udah de ga papa. Yuk, keritingin rambut, yuuk. ----satu jam berlalu---- ... ----dua jam berlalu---- ... ----tiga jam berlalu---- "Anjrit, ni obatnya bau amat sih, Mbak!", gue protes tiba-tiba. "Oh, biasa itu mah", balas Mbaknya. ... ----empat jam berlalu---- "Buset, ni prosesnya lama banget, mana belom makan siang. Ah, tapi gapapa, beauty need sacrifice kalo katanya Sun Tzu." ... Pas dah s...


What a freaking boring morning, and not to mention a lazy Monday to begin with. Up to this second, I idly browsed through, trying to find a great deal with minimum purchase =P Aaah, shopping (eventhough) online is refreshing indeed. I found (but not necessarily bid) a cute Kate Spade handbag, gorgeous Bebe trench coat, nice Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirt, lovely yellow Bebe flowy dress (and I mean it, really lovely >_<), Banana Republic hoodie jacket, and tons of great other items. Aaaa... Refreshing... Then my colleague came to me with this bunch of documents, UAT documents, and asked me to REDONE my bug-free-proof screen shot AGAIN just because they asked for it. Muooonyong kampreeeet..... Napa ngga dulu aja sekalian?? Sumpah gue males banget ngulang2 aplikasi dari awal, bikin nasabah baru dan customize the freakin database biar bisa dites ulang. MALAS! MALAS! And I heard he wants to get out from this assignment and made it a secondary assignment? Wtf? Yah, mood mer...