Review Time

Well, at my office there's a wellknown term for those auditor who claimed that they already
finished the report and the assignment. That term called THE REVIEW. Biasanya review ini
berjalan biasa-biasa aja cuman kadang-kadang ngebetein kalo yang nge-review elu kebetulan rada-rada galak dan bawel. Hehehehe.
Anyway, that has nothing to do with what I'm gonna post today =D
Kemaren gue baru nonton Iron Man (after couple days previously I watched Forbidden Kingdom), and unexpectedly I love the movie. Hahahaha, that is one clumsy yet adoring superhero, not to mention bloody rich and wealthy -___-! Even Batman lose his charm. Deskripsi karakternya so funny, with all AI machines 'talking' to him and the sweet Pepper Potts, and crazy special effect with the Iron Man suit. Waw, so many things I like from this movie, but the credit gotta go to the ending and the opening.
I really enjoy those movies who left memories within your brain after you left the studio. And
yes, the ending provided me with some eagerness for wanting to see the sequel. Unlike the quite lousy movie entitled The Forbidden Kingdom. Waaaw, first of all, gue ngga expect tu movie ada bulenya T__T I'm not a real fan with chinese-ly western movie or vice versa. Bad dialogue, bad English pronounciation (why can't they all speak Chinese instead?), bad major plot, and boring martial art. I dunno, everything looked so freakin fake, even the white-hair-witch yang suppose to dilahirkan dari serigala ut turned out to be very very girlie girl.
I'm so not against Chinese movie. In fact, I really like Hero (yang dimaenin ama Jet Li juga),
Kungfu Hustle, Kungfu Dunk, dll. Sinting tu pelem (baca: Hero), gue cinta banget ama visualization and color theme yang mereka pake. Kasian kan The Forbidden Kingdom dah make 2 bintang besar malah alur ceritanya cupu gituh.
Speaking of which, gue juga baru nonton The Warlords (yang ada Jet Li, Andy Lau dan Takeshi Kaneshiro). Damn, it was one of my favourite epic movies. Plotnya bagus, endingnya bagus, akting pemaen2nya bagus, dan nuansa megah movienya berasa. Cerita tentang tiga sahabat yang jatuh bangun memenangkan pertempuran demi pertempuran, awalnya demi segenggam beras dan secuil keping perak, but at the end it's about their ego, idealism, and blood oath.
Huhuhu, nontonnya ampe nangis =( Keren banget loh ceritanya.
Aside from eastern movie, let's move on with pelem Barat. Kemaren baru nonton Sweeney Todd. Doh, ni film genrenya dah lama ngga beredar di permukaan. Musical gory movie. So many blood been drawn, hehehehe, nontonnya bikin merinding, bukan gara2 gory-nya, tapi lebih ke arah alur ceritanya. Love it, thanks to Cecep yang ngerekomendasikan =D Gue suka ma suasana pelemnya, dark-dark kaya Pan's Labyrinth ato From Hell, tapi sekalinya ada suasana terang dikit, eh nuansa The Corpse Bride nongol. Konon gara-gara tu sutradara (Tim Burton) demen ngasi signature-nya dia (black 'n white stripe).
Anyway, bagi yang belum tau, Sweeney Todd (the demon barber of Fleet Street) ini mengisahkan balas dendamnya seorang tukang cukur yang istrinya diambil paksa ama seorang juri. Udah gitu doang sebenernya, tapi banyak aspek2 horor laen yang kudu ditonton. Waaw, ada Broadwaynya lucu juga kali ya.

Okay, I'm obsessed with Grey's Anatomy not only for their stories and characters and cutey quotes, but also for their soundtracks. My music taste agrees with almost anything they played in that series. Saking cintanya gue suka bela-belain puter ulang just to hear sepenggal lirik and then google it and dapetlah artist n the title, lalu DONLOD =D
There goes the history of my weird taste of music. Tee-hee.
Recently gue lagi demen Brandi Carlile - Turpentine and The Mary Onettes - Explosions. Ok, gue denger yang Brandi Carlile pas nonton Private Practice, and The Mary Onettes song reminds me of those dissapointment feeling I had when Burke came down the aisle to (I presumed) pick up Christina Yang. And it turned out to be... NOT! Grrr...
Oh iye, kebetulan dah beberapa bulan ini gue suka dengerin Putuss-nya Prambors tiap kali jalan ke kantor, jadi suka filtering some item juga. Lucu kalo gue dengerin lagu yang dah gue punya duluan n then denger di tu radio. Kaya jaman2nya lagu Mika nongol, and pas jaman2nya Kate Havnevik. That's when I decided pilihannya Prambors ngga jauh-jauh dari selera sayah. Huhuhu, lagu-lagu Nu Buzz juga kadang-kadang bagus. Gila how seniman indie Indonesia yang masih jauh dari label rekaman amazed me sumtimes. Cinta berat ma lagunya Sindentosca - Kepompong dan Adhitya Sofyan - Memilihmu. Ada juga yang jazzy abis cuman waktu itu ngga ngeh judul dan artisnya sopo.
Hmm, beberapa minggu ini rajin ngebantai couple of fantasy books, named Twilight, Magyk, and Artemis Fowl. Huhuhuhu, lagi keranjingan baca buku santai, though still there's none yang bisa menyaingi intricate-nya Harry Potter. Memang buku hebat yang satu itu.
Anyway, Twilight ended up not as good as I expected, still interesting karena the nocturne creature is sweet, but I'm not fond of the fight and all those chasing and hunting with other vampire. Biasa sajah. Ngga ada yang mati. Ngga asik.
About Magyk, sekarang dah ngabisin setengah buku, ugh bad translation. Unlike translationnya Harry Potter yang menurut gue masih kocak, terjemahannya Magyk itu suka aneh. Most of them I tried to figure it out on my own. Aneh-aneh lah, ada mantra Menyebabkan, Mantra Menjadikan, Mantra Pembalikan, Mantra Membuyarkan, Mantra Menata Ulang, dan mantra-mantra weird aneh lainnya. Mungkin ngga seaneh itu kalo dia stay with the original term. Dry Clean Spell, Reverse Spell, apa kek.
Then about Artemis Fowl, hmm reminded me A LOT about Bartimaeus Trilogy. Sama-sama dimulai dari usia 11-12 tahun (what's with all that???) dan sama-sama berambisius buat jadi kaya. Well, belum selesai baca sih,but I think this one is quite interesting.
As much as I wanted to brag about my culinary experience, tapi sejak travelling ke Sate Dombrut bareng Boby dkk waktu dulu itu, I only had time to visit one more place to eat. Nasi Uduk Kebon Kacang. Bermula dari temen kantor gue yang mengaku pernah baca reviewnya di Kompas terbitan entah kapan yang katanya orang kantoran pada berbondong-bondong ke tempat tersebut saking enaknya, akhirnya pergilah gue dan anak-anak kantor menyambangi tu daerah Kebon Kacang.
Ternyata Kebon Kacang itu punya 30 anak jalan -____- Dari Kebon Kacang 1 sampai Kebon Kacang 30. Hahahaha, akhirnya kita ended up ke tempat yang temen gue pernah makan, entah apa namanya.
Pretty lumayan, di situ nasi uduknya dibungkus kecil-kecil, jadi gue makan tiga =D Satu
bungkusnya Rp 1500, trus lauk2nya yah standarlah harganya. Ayam kampung Rp 8000, empal Rp 8000, tahu/tempe Rp 1000, dll. Ada bumbu kacangnya yang temen gue bilang enak, tapi menurut gue sambal terasinya lebih enak. Ngga pedes-pedes amat, ehehehe.


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