One taste of my say
Minggu kemarin I finished season 7 The Celebrity Apprentice and I got to say Omarosa is the first real living bitch I've ever seen in my entire live. Hahaha. I hardly called anyone as a bitch before, I'm not that rude, mind you. But she is unbelievable. Un-be-lie-va-ble. The devil herself. She's sly, she's suck up, she's a traitor, and definitely a character murderer. Wow, I've never seen anyone so blatantly pitiful like herself. Considering I'm quite an open minded person about certain weird things, this is pretty ironic. At first I thought she's just another killer apprentice, a great business woman, but then I realize something. There's a fine line between great business woman and plain pathetic kiss ass. She just did something that crossed the line. A great business woman knows when and where to put herself into any difficult situation. You got to have decent thinking AND attitude to be a great business woman. But that's not enough. Y...