
Showing posts from May, 2008

One taste of my say

Minggu kemarin I finished season 7 The Celebrity Apprentice and I got to say Omarosa is the first real living bitch I've ever seen in my entire live. Hahaha. I hardly called anyone as a bitch before, I'm not that rude, mind you. But she is unbelievable. Un-be-lie-va-ble. The devil herself. She's sly, she's suck up, she's a traitor, and definitely a character murderer. Wow, I've never seen anyone so blatantly pitiful like herself. Considering I'm quite an open minded person about certain weird things, this is pretty ironic. At first I thought she's just another killer apprentice, a great business woman, but then I realize something. There's a fine line between great business woman and plain pathetic kiss ass. She just did something that crossed the line. A great business woman knows when and where to put herself into any difficult situation. You got to have decent thinking AND attitude to be a great business woman. But that's not enough. Y...

Review Time

Well, at my office there's a wellknown term for those auditor who claimed that they already finished the report and the assignment. That term called THE REVIEW. Biasanya review ini berjalan biasa-biasa aja cuman kadang-kadang ngebetein kalo yang nge-review elu kebetulan rada-rada galak dan bawel. Hehehehe. Anyway, that has nothing to do with what I'm gonna post today =D MOVIES Kemaren gue baru nonton Iron Man (after couple days previously I watched Forbidden Kingdom), and unexpectedly I love the movie. Hahahaha, that is one clumsy yet adoring superhero, not to mention bloody rich and wealthy -___-! Even Batman lose his charm. Deskripsi karakternya so funny, with all AI machines 'talking' to him and the sweet Pepper Potts, and crazy special effect with the Iron Man suit. Waw, so many things I like from this movie, but the credit gotta go to the ending and the opening. I really enjoy those movies who left memories within your brain after you left the ...