Becoming Jane

Becoming Jane, a tremendous literate English movie about the famous author, Jane Austen, is indeed a very nice movie. Kind of brought me the same reminiscence like when I was watching The Notebook. The same undying love, uncontrollable yet unbearable passion among the couple in love. Sigh. Its plot flows slowly, sweetly and in the same time make my heart gasp for air (or rather, blood).
Significantly changing my mood, I tell you. I mean, you can tell from the way I was writing this post. There's this whole weird aura about England (specifically Hampshire and London) surroundings in the past and it really affected my hearing ability especially because now I'm hearing myself reread this post in a loud foolish British accent.
The line in the movie is gorgeous, very hard to understand for a poor fellow like me, the girl who had only 500 in her TOEFL and God-knows-what in her IELTS score. Mein Gott, tu vocabulary bikin merinding, saking horornya bisa bikin gue introspeksi terhadap kemampuan bahasa Inggris gue yang ternyata semakin parah .___.
My favourite quote:
Weasley: Sometimes an affection is a shy flower that takes times to blossom
Lord LeFroy: It is in my consideration that irony is an insult with a smiling face
Jane Austen: No, irony is the bringing together of contradictory truths to make out of the contradiction of a new truth with a laugh of a smile, and I confess that a truth must come with one or the other, or I account it as false and a denial of the very nature of humanity itself
What a damn long interpretation of an 'irony', don't you think? I smile widely upon hearing her definition and seeing the expression of all people at the table (of the scene, 'fcourse).
The next good thing about this movie is (predictably) the lead actors and actresses. Namely James McAvoy (whom formerly known as Mr Tumnus of Narnia for me) and Anne Hathaway (the classic beauty). They're both create the perfect spark. The chemistry is there, I'm telling you. They teased, they kissed, they exchanged insults, it's all there.
And of course, Mr James McAvoy is a slimy handsome fellow with a perfect face proportion especially when you look at him from both side, right and left. This guy came up in my IMDB search list couple of weeks ago because I was planning on watching his movie 'Atonement' (which I still didn't have the time to do it, is it good?). Turned out that he's an old player, Mr Tumnus. Yay, padahal waktu jadi Mr Tumnus di Narnia, all I can think about is, "Apa gantengnya ni orang? Tampang kambing begini?" while my friends keep whining about the cuteness (and apparently the glorious) of James McAvoy.


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