Simple things

Couple of days ago, I did something spectacular. Hehehe, I tried on contact lens, yipee! Berhubung I always -always, always- curious about that kind of stuff, I felt pretty good after that. Ternyata ngga seserem yang gue bayangkan. Ngga sesakit yang gue bayangkan. Dan ngga segampang yang gue bayangkan juga. ~___~

Duh, jadi pengen de, tapi horor ya kalo ternyata tiba-tiba gue stuck di tengah jalan and the lens won't come off. Oh no! Tapi gue pengen.. huhuhu, tapi berasa rugi kalo beli pake duit ndiri, ahahahaha... Dilema..

Anyway, selain wearing those contact lenses, there are other silly things I'd like to do.. say, rock climbing, grabbing a flying fox (pretty ironic mengingat MK dulu gue batal flying fox gara2 ngeliat Theresia stuck diem di tengah2 tali, kelewat ringan katanya, buset.. gmana gue?), seeing stars above from wide open area kaya jamannya gue perpisahan pas SMU dulu, ikutan kegiatan seru kaya Greenpeace/WWF/dll, and learning how to swim. Yang terakhir sebenernya gue rada enggan, tapi gue pengen nyoba sea-diving, dan apakah kalo mau diving perlu swimming?

Okeh saudara-saudara..I planned to go to these cities sometime in this year, maybe with my best friends, maybe with my long-time-no-see kind of friend whom I missed so much, maybe on my own..

1. Bandung
This is a must. Some people may see the city as home-sweet-home and nothing-so-special about the place. But for me, Bandung is so fun to browse in. So many foodilicious and fashionista scattered around the city. Pengalaman pertama gue ke Bandung after all this time yang dulu tuh membekas sekali di ingatan, hahahaha, maybe partly because I spent so much fun then, dengan guide temen gue yang ngasi tau tempat2 asik via jalan kaki!! Or malemnya gue ngabisin waktu ngga penting di Blitz nongkrongin jadwal film sampe jam 12 malem dan ended up cuman beli caramel popcorn (which enak yah) dan go straight home gara2 takut ketiduran di bioskop.

Gue suka bingung napa gue suka banyak mikirin persiapan2 kalo mao ke Bandung. So far yang paling nyebelin sih nyiapin waktunya. Suka sedih kalo cuman cabut Sabtu pulang Minggu. So next time I'll prepare better, termasuk nyiapin sneakers buat jalan kaki kemana-mana. Hehehehe.

2. Jogja
Hmm, ini sih gue belom pernah kunjungin. But sounds cool. Gue pengen ke sana partly because I have somebody I could count on whom live there. And partly because gue mau browsing toko2 Batiknya yang keren-keren. Hopefully sih harganya ngga sesadis yang di Jakarta. Woo, sepupu gue dapet sendal jepit Batik yang keren banget (and considering that she's still 9 years old, that's pretty awesome) dari nyokapnya waktu jalan ke Jogja. Jadi mupeeeeng.. huhuhuhu..

Yah, sangat sedikit sekali memang target gue tahun ini, tapi kalo tercapai sih gue seneng banget. Hehehehe. Soalnya jarang-jarang gue planning something and it happened. Wish me luck.


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