Daily afternoon

I'm not sure if I've become soft or something, but when I got three out of five episodes of Ghost Whisperer season one watching and crying, then I presume I have.

That series is so sweet. I mean the world of the dead, hello, everyone\\'s trying to explore it in any kind of perspectives, say X-Files, Supernatural, Buffy, you name it, but this one is different. Well, correct me if I'm wrong and if there IS another series that
came up with the same idea, but I still think Ghost Whisperer is a good series... and sweet.

I enjoyed watching Jennifer Love Hewitt playing this sweet lil girl who dressed up very nicely. She always comes up with different costumes and each of them is always made from silky linen, flowing out dress, lace, and mini accessories, hmm.. more like ethnic pieces.

Ni ceritanya suka bikin gue melo dan mikir ulang about what would I left in this world when I'm gone some day? Or will I miss somebody when I leave one day? Or will I felt left behind when somebody leave me? I mean, yeah iyalah May, tapi gue suka aja ama penuturan dan kalimat-kalimat sederhana dari ni serial.

I think Jennifer is awesome, pertama kali liat dulu sih ngga demen, karena dia 'merusak' pemandangan serial TV favorit gue -yang bahkan gue dah lupa namanya, Party of Five or sumtin-, tapi lama-lama ni orang koq jadi keren gini. Not in the look but more like the career. Yeah, berhubung dia sendiri yang jadi produsernya Ghost Whisperer kayanya sih ngga salah kalo gue jadi kagum ama ni orang.

Tonton de kalo sempet.

As in another news, gue baru aja menamatkan buku bacaan baru yang judulnya Dreamers (http://www.amazon.com/Dreamers-Legacies-Ancient-River-1/dp/1556616074). Yang ngarang Angela Elwell Hunt. Ceritanya ini tentang Yusuf di tanah Mesir, dimulai dari cerita dia dibuang oleh saudara-saudaranya, dan ended up jadi orang berkuasa di Mesir.

In my Bible, the story is brief. I mean... REALLY brief. Cuman 1-2 pasal doang kayanya. I don't even know who's the Firaun's name. Tapi di buku ini, dia cerita backgroundnya detil, disajikan dengan bahasa novel and tokoh-tokoh dan mitos yang keren mulai dari Potifar, Amenhotep, Tuthmosis, Tuya, Sagira, Bastet Goddess, Horus eyes, and of course the most handsome man ever lived, Yusuf. Or Joseph. Or... is there any other name for this character?

Personally I'm not fond of religious story thing 'xcept when it's about legend or got any moral message in it. Dan kebetulan cerita Yusuf ini adalah one of my favourite reading time back when I was a child. He deserve to be called dreamer berhubung dia dapet mimpi dan bisa menerjemahkan mimpi.

And kadang emang sih ceritanya rada telenovela. dengan adanya tokoh-tokoh yang pengen menyabotase Firaun etc, tapi ternyata gue tidak dikecewakan oleh endingnya yang sweet. Hehehehe... Baca de, gue rekomendasikan, this is kind of reading material yang tidak mengacu ke particular religion or culture, dan kayanya sih lebih ke girl stuff. Wekekekeke.. berhubung yaaa... Yusuf digambarin ganteng. Mutlak. Tua muda laki-laki wanita semua bilang dia ganteng, perawakan dewa, suara tajam dan parasnya elok. Wakaka.. Gue pengen ni buku dijadiin film, that gotta be cool. A sweet movie.

Is it just me or I did use the word 'sweet' a bit too much? xP


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