My heroes

Been a wonderful day, cause u know what, I finally spent overtime in my client office, and as an additional note, gue jadi kuncen (red: juru kunci) selama 2 hari berturut-turut, Bo! Sang mas-mas yang jagain ruangan akhirnya menyerah nungguin gue kerja jam 9 malem, dan menyerahkan segambreng kunci dengan petuah-petuah sepanjang dosa (._.)

Sigh, berhubung satu lantai dah sepi, ngga salah dong kalo gue akhirnya memanfaatkan kabel telepon buat internetan. Hehehe. Jadilah gue nyambi browsing (dan chatting) di sela-sela kegiatan nguli gue. In one of those moment, I stumbled upon this cute quiz, tentang Which Heroes Are You. Secara ya belakangan ini gue mengikuti tu serial dengan intens (hueks), gue pun mengikuti tu quiz dengan harap-harap cemas, euy! Dan hasilnya, gue adalah Niki Sanders dan Sylar! Hihihihi... what a combination ngga sih? Sama-sama sadis, sama-sama kuat, sama-sama hobi ripped head/body open.. I mean, what???? Is that me?? No way! Gue kan lucu dan menggemaskan =)

Trus trus, selama seminggu penuh dengan jadwal-jadwal yang padat, koq minggu gue jadi bengong ya. Huhuhuhu, pengen nonton Pirates niy. Tapi why oh why yaa.. everybody jadi ikutan bangkrut. Dasar bulan tua!

Ah, tadi pagi gue nonton Oprah, one of the greatest person ever, dan temanya tentang Challenge Day di SMU2 Amrik. Kayanya sih untuk memperingati peristiwa berdarah penembakan di sekolah di Amrik itu deh. Gila ya, even after Columbine High School, there's still more... I gotta say, this episode is a bit moving.. bener2 ngejleb banget pas nonton.

For you yang ngga nonton, intinya di SMU itu dikumpulin 64 murid2, dari junior sampe senior, dari geek sampe hunk, dari goth sampe cheerleader. Cool huh? Trus ada game gtu, mereka didudukin melingkar di kursi2 yang udah disusun. Bahkan dari situ aja dah keliatan gmana each and everyone of them choose to sit next to their own cliques. Genk2 gtu maennya. Berasa lah.

Trus ada instrukturnya gtu, yang memperkenalkan simbol LOVE yang jempol, telunjuk ama kelingking diacungkan gtuh (and for all this time, I thought it was a symbol of rock 'n roll).

Ada beberapa sesi, cthnya "Accross the Line", dll, but my most favourite one is when they were asked to finish the sentence, "If you really knew me, you would know that..."

Nah.. as predicted, they started with a simple thing like, "If you really knew me, you would know that I'm a football player and I play tuba in music class". Yah, remeh-temeh kaya gitu deh. Tapi lama-lama, berhubung satu grup itu hanya ada sekitar 7-8 orang, they continually telling even deeper fact about themselves. Which was quite mengharukan. Banyaaaak banget yang nangis karena mendem perasaan mereka. And I'm not saying in romantic way, but touchy sekali. To watch each and everyone of those kids share their burden and 'baggage' (as Oprah was saying) itu bikin gue soooo moved.

It made me think as well...

"If you really knew me, you would know that..."

What would you say?


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