
Showing posts from May, 2007

My heroes

Been a wonderful day, cause u know what, I finally spent overtime in my client office, and as an additional note, gue jadi kuncen (red: juru kunci) selama 2 hari berturut-turut, Bo! Sang mas-mas yang jagain ruangan akhirnya menyerah nungguin gue kerja jam 9 malem, dan menyerahkan segambreng kunci dengan petuah-petuah sepanjang dosa (._.) Sigh, berhubung satu lantai dah sepi, ngga salah dong kalo gue akhirnya memanfaatkan kabel telepon buat internetan. Hehehe. Jadilah gue nyambi browsing (dan chatting) di sela-sela kegiatan nguli gue. In one of those moment, I stumbled upon this cute quiz, tentang Which Heroes Are You . Secara ya belakangan ini gue mengikuti tu serial dengan intens (hueks), gue pun mengikuti tu quiz dengan harap-harap cemas, euy! Dan hasilnya, gue adalah Niki Sanders dan Sylar ! Hihihihi... what a combination ngga sih? Sama-sama sadis, sama-sama kuat, sama-sama hobi ripped head/body open.. I mean, what???? Is that me?? No way! Gue kan lucu dan menggemaskan =) Trus trus,...


Kemaren tu pertama kalinya gue ngeliat pembuatan 'Suster Ngesot' versi anak2 Fasilkom jaman sekarang =D Dooh, temenku yang malang.. jadi tokoh suster itu emang ngga gampang yah.. cape bo! Anyway, gue baruuu aja creambath. Sigh, this is the moment of truth! Gue bener-bener meresapi betapa wangi dan ringannya rambut gue, betapa halus teksturnya, dan betapa legam warnanya ._. YA AMPUN, GUE DAH LAMA BGT NGGA NYALON, JENG!!! Nyalon itu emang indah...

Delayed Moment

Not make any contact with the blind world of internet for almost a month. Not be able to exchange news and find out what’s going on, who married whom, who engaged to whom, who got accepted in a new job and where. Not knowing the most recent news from those I care a lot and get in touch with people I miss. And to absorb all of those just in one day. Is simply too much. I once wish for my old life before this kind of lifestyle struck me right in my face. the easiness of living, the privilege to stay up late and get up even more late, the fun I’ve been through, going to the movies every time I want to, eat every where I like, read every book I can get, the little piece heaven of mine.. Each and every time I looked back, I felt like I’m wasting my chance to spend my free time as much as I could. Well, people can never get enough, can’t they? It’s not that I don’t like my life now, or the way I live, I hardly can complain about it, but then what else could I possibly need? Self manager, sel...

Can't believe

That I wrote almost two pages for today entry and yet I left it in my office laptop back there in Semanggi! Crabby Patty!!!! I totally forgot I kept it there, so now basically I'm trying (hard) to remember what the heck I've been wrote in that notes... Oh iya, hari ini gue offsick loooh, thanks to my tummy yang beberapa hari ini bermasalah, dimulai dari niat iseng sit up setiap hari yang akhirnya mengakibatkan kram perut, guys! Sh*t! Chelsea - Liverpool 1-0 yah? Well well... it's seems like MU is going to face Liverpool in the final then =P Poor roommate.. hahahahaha... dia ngefans berat ama yang namanya Chelsea dan Milan, which dua2nya ngga bakal maju ke final Champion, hehehehehe... Duuh, sekali2nya offsick, pengen bersenang-senang deeeeeeeh... gue kangen yang namanya pergi ke mall di hari kerja (please notice, hari kerja!), meni-pedi (ookay), dan moviees... aaaw, I need movies a lot.. kabarnya sih roommate sayah mau beli DVD Player, amieen... hehehehe.. By the way, nyebe...