The end of Semester

Last Saturday was a day of cleaning and made a path to a brand new era in my life.

Okay, that sounded a bit too much, but that's the truth I guess. Hehehe, I simply threw away all of my old stuff, namely notes, assignment, test results, paper from all the topics I could remember, presentation slides, and drabbling things I used to write in the middle of class. Out of sudden, I felt this whole feeling of nostalgic moment (yuck!). I laughed at my old writing, and I was surprised to see how many of them were written by adji and cecep. Those stupid times... hehehe...

And then, when I looked at my test material, I had no idea, really, how on earth could I survived from that horrible test, named POK, Anum, and Physics. Honestly it's a wonder considering that I was having this blank moment when I scanned through those papers. AVG response time? Huh? Come again? =D Nevertheless, I was delighted to see my own progress in several things. Oh God, how cupu my database project back then =D The ERD was hardly correct and the interface =D hihihi, that was so sweet, my terracotta theme. Where did I get that terracotta name anyway?

As for DDP, hmm... now that was a crazy moment. My knowledge about java thingy was absolutely zero. Waks, chaos every week =D Pemicu di tiap 2 hari sekali, dasar sinting! Mending ngodingnya gampang2, lah ini.. suru bukin prototipe MsPaint, bikin rumah2an, array 2D sambil ngegambar topi, aplikasi fisika... OHMIGOD... Gue jadi inget gmana senengnya pas pertama kali berhasil ngejalanin Hello World =D Bujuuug, keren abiiis.... (._.) The lecturer at that time was not my fave one, but now.. he was practically one of my favorite one =) Mr. Muki was one of the kind, really! The passion, the eagerness, the laugh, the weird affection of recording one's final test situation, the similar voice of Aristo =P Ahahahaha... lucu banget tu dosen.

Aaaah, sweet old reminiscense...

But now... I'm about to leave all those things and take a step forward... Leaving all memories that had practically been written in my basically secondary RAM =P and start to give free space for whatever things that coming on its way... good or bad... happy or sad... poverty or wealth... sickness or health... Hmm, it rhymes... Ok, jadi ngelantur... intinya... mari kita berjuang bersama-sama... Ganbatte!!!


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