
Showing posts from July, 2006


I think the phrase "me and my big mouth" would suit me perfectly berhubung gue mulai kewalahan menangani 'issue' yang aga-aga bikin pala gue puyeng... Yup, it's called wawancara ... Wawancara yang gue lakuin sih ngga banyak2 amat, mengingat gue juga melakukannya dengan setengah hati, nyeleneh dan ngasal (bayangkan saja gue pernah harus diwawancara untuk sebuah pekerjaan yg gue LUPA kapan gue nge-apply-nya dan gue nge-apply sebagai APA, not to mention gue juga NGGA NGEH ni perusahaan apaan).. Totally chaos... kacau... Belum lagi wawancara2 itu hanya sekedar wawancara doang, ngga ada kelanjutannya, sigh, bahkan kalau adapun... gue ngga yakin bakal nerima ato ngga =( dilema... Anyway, baruuu aja gue ditelfon lagi (God, considering that today is SATURDAY and it supposed to be a WEEK END!! Ngapain dia nelfon gue hari ginih??), dia nyuru gue dateng ke Pasar Baru (and why do I intend to make myself in trouble? Udah tau ngga ngenalin jalanan di Jakarta, eeh ini malah mili...

Officially pengangguran

Sidang SP saya dah selese ^___^ It's finished, done, the end... thank God... Now, I literally and figuratively have no job (aside for that bloody revision, Year Book, etc) What do you think I should do for now? ... I'm planning to travel around Jakarta (not really a big idea, tho) looking for an appropriate place to eat, or to visit... maybe my friend's houses... maybe just a strange spots... or maybe a library... Gosh, how I miss reading the whole excellent thick book... What do you suggest? Quite fond of the idea of reading Perfume - Patrick Suskind , but is it a worthy read or just a boring crime thriller? Have no idea, but it will be interesting to find out.. or will it not? Another book that I could come up with is You Will Dream New Dreams - Kim Schive & Stanley D. Klein . Okay, so it's a Chicken Soup look alike... But then again, I find these kinda stories are actually inspiring to read. I mean, in life there should be balancing, right? Those yin-yang philoso...

The end of Semester

Last Saturday was a day of cleaning and made a path to a brand new era in my life. Okay, that sounded a bit too much, but that's the truth I guess. Hehehe, I simply threw away all of my old stuff, namely notes, assignment, test results, paper from all the topics I could remember, presentation slides, and drabbling things I used to write in the middle of class. Out of sudden, I felt this whole feeling of nostalgic moment (yuck!). I laughed at my old writing, and I was surprised to see how many of them were written by adji and cecep. Those stupid times... hehehe... And then, when I looked at my test material, I had no idea, really, how on earth could I survived from that horrible test, named POK, Anum, and Physics. Honestly it's a wonder considering that I was having this blank moment when I scanned through those papers. AVG response time? Huh? Come again? =D Nevertheless, I was delighted to see my own progress in several things. Oh God, how cupu my database project back then =D...