Hullo Monday

Tiring weekend... the dance exhibition was a bit chaos since gue dengan suksesnya nonjok partner gue pas dansa =D Bwuaheuaheuahua... sorry yaaa, Sat =P Udah gitu di satu momen yang bener2 penting, perut gue malah kriuk kriuk laper dan TA-DA... gue STOP dansa di tengah2 lapangan... totally clueless at that time >_<

But, you see... there were some faces he made that was kind of priceless =D Wakakakaka....

Overall sih dance-nya fun, very unique experience indeed, walopun gue tetep berasa kalo yg dilakukan selama ini ngga worthed hanya untuk tampil 4 menit di depan audience =P

Anyhoo... peserta2 kejurnas-nya top wae =) Mantab, dari mulai yang paling muda (about 5-6 yrs old) ampe yang dah kakek-nenek... badannya itu loh, man! Pas dansa waltz sih... keren... tapi tu leher apa kaga patah apa?? (O_o)

Aah, lucu de...

Now I think I just have to bid my skirt a good bye =P See you some other time, my black skirtie wirtie...

The episode following that day was not a good one, considering that once again I was being ... hmm.. what's the phrase? diomelin?? Ya gitu de... Bodo ah...


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